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    oxalic/glycerin strips

    How did that work out ?
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    Timber seconds
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    Ivy honey - what am I missing

    I have one apiary that doesn't need winter feeding due to all the ivy they store there .all on single brood .i usualy have to pull 2 or 3 frames in spring because they store so much . I do wonder is there more nutrition in ivy for bees because there is always loads left after winter
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    Abelo and shipping to Ireland? are lyson dealers for ireland
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    Ball valve for Abelo 50 litre Settling Tank

    Sounds like you just need to tighten it a little
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    Simon the beekeeper closing down sale

    I tried ordering hive equipment today twice. Each time i got to checkout the price mysteriously jumped 20% . Then a message popped up saying they cant currently deliver to my address.. Ah well
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    Buying hives

    Hi I have been offered first chance of buying 30 hives plus supers off a retiring beekeeper . His bees are of well known good genetics .. now the boxes roofs ect are all different ages some 20 year old some 4 years old .. His combs are in good condition .. Now my dilemma is what kind of money...
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    Abelo steam wax melter

    Looks nice . Would a barrel and steamer not do the same job
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    Simon the beekeeper closing down sale

    Just got a refund for the brood boxes i ordered . Darn it
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    Sales irritations

    When you go to a service station and put 60 pounds of fuel in your car . Do you go into the shop and ask for a discount ??
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    Simon the beekeeper closing down sale

    I emailed them at least i got a fast response Hi Diarmuid Apologies for the delay. We have received a high volume of orders, and we are processing orders as quickly as possible. Once your order has been dispatched, you will receive an email. Many Thanks
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    Simon the beekeeper closing down sale

    I made an order on the 15th Poly brood boxes suits ect . No sign of it yet
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    Bee Wagon recommendations

    I have an opel vivaro van . I can pack it with everything i need .. can fit 16 hives in it going to heather . I use it for work been a tradesman i need a van
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Vaped all hives today. Had a bad evening out moving hives my van got stuck luckily the farmer pulled me out.. had to walk my hives in the dark poxy weather trough field's to my apiary
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    Simon the beekeeper closing down sale

    Thats a pity there new suit looked good
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    Aims and objectives for 23 season

    I was thinking on spending less money but thats not gonna happen . Base for honey house poured . hope to have it finished by end of march .
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    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    🤣 i know i had the ply but not enough battons
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    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    Banged together a few nucs Saturday. All waste from work