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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. L

    Frame boiler from amaz0n

    Not only for boiling frames as well for boxes, floors, queen excluders etc...
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    Frame boiler from amaz0n + gas burner and washing soda. The frames came out like new.
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    4 frame extractor

    Abelo extractor might be a better choice.
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    4 frame extractor

    Is fairly good quality although I'm not sure about nylon tap and plastic gears. Buy cheap, buy twice.
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    Apimondia 2013

    Has anyone just got back from Apimondia 2013:)?
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    Honey extractor?

    Only tangential extractor for unwired foundation.
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    Honey extractor?

    Warming cabinet for 24h (43C) turns into a liquid:)
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    Honey extractor?

    Don't Buy "Made In China"
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    12 oz or 1lb

    12oz hex
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    Choosing an extractor

    I bought my 20 frames radial extractor form Abelooo in 2012 and still so far best quality and price on the market.
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    a bumper honey crop 2013!!!

    Best honey crop, average so far 110lbs:hurray:
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    granulated supers

    Warming cabinet 42deg for 24h and will be ready to extract:winner1st:
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    The 2013 BBKA Spring Convention

    There is quite a lot trade exhibition.
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    The 2013 BBKA Spring Convention

    Is anyone going to Spring Convention?
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    Cold weather to mid April!!

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    frame supplier

    Chinese bee hive + frames = big troubles!!!
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    Artificial Insemination equipment

    I spotted one at Abel*o any feedback?
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    Artificial Insemination equipment

    Looking for AI equipment, where to buy? Thanks