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  1. bushman1872

    Weather windows - what to do?

    Ive had the same thing. One hive swarmed with the break in the first lot of bad weather un April and they have done it again presumably either today or last Sunday when there was a bit of sunshine for longer than an hour. This time round room should not have been an issue as they were on a 14x12...
  2. bushman1872

    No room at the inn

    Right I have a small problem which I'm hoping has a remedy. I have 2 hives with 14x12 brood bodies. During the first lot of bad weather in april they swarmed. They both had queens which took their sweet time to start laying. In the meantime we got some goof weather and despite having a super on...
  3. bushman1872

    honey to much water content

    Does anybody know what percentage of water is accepted in rape honey to stop it fermenting I had heard that the number varied between plant species.
  4. bushman1872

    Why have my Bees gone Aggressive?

    I quite agree but there are always one or two who take umbridge when you nick their food lol.
  5. bushman1872

    Why have my Bees gone Aggressive?

    I find walking through a bush a really good way of loosing persistent followers that coupled with a good amount of smoke.
  6. bushman1872


    I had a similar thing but with gretaer numbers of dead bees I was worried that they hadn't accepted the swarm and new queen but appears it was just a introductory spat as the queen is still alive with out anymore dead bees.
  7. bushman1872

    Missing Queen

    sounds like a few people have had issues with missing or misbehaving queens. I wonder why?
  8. bushman1872

    Do swallows eat bees?

    I'm wondering if swallows got my virgin queens both hives raised several new queens and hatched them and yet none have returned!! I have just had to combine 4 hives to make 2.
  9. bushman1872

    Sealed queen cells, Help please

    i'd double check and look for eggs if you have eggs then 3 days ago you had a queen laying it, if the weather has been that blowy and bad for the last three days then I would bet that your queen is still there. So eggs seen equals bl**dy good look for queen, no eggs equals leave the hive and let...
  10. bushman1872

    Are regular inspections always necessary

    you certainly can but you will be very lucky to get a swarm from mine. The girls will produce sealed qc's in under 6 days but for some reason the queen doesn't depart when the cell is capped so this buys me time to knock out all the cells. Different bees different characteristics- like us really.
  11. bushman1872

    Are regular inspections always necessary

    you certainly can but you will not catch any swarms. Whilst the girls will produce a fully sealed queen cell in under 6 days the original queen still remains so no swarm takes place. Everyone's bees are different and have different characteristics same as humans really.
  12. bushman1872

    Are regular inspections always necessary

    yes it will for 7 days and thats all I need worked last season and is working now. But this technique may well not work for other bees and othe queens!
  13. bushman1872

    I'm confused about feeding newly-hived swarms

    in your case just turn the frames around, so face the undrawn side in towards the brood. Don't put un drawn foundation or a frames of stores in the middle of the brood as you can end up seperating the brood and then those chappesess get neglected. Bees at the bottom of the garden has a good...
  14. bushman1872

    Are regular inspections always necessary

    er thats not always the case, I bought a nuc last year which filled out in a month and then needed AS ing, did so they then filled out their new accomadation and continued to make preparations to swarm for the rest of the year so it was essential to visit regularly to check for queen and qc,s...
  15. bushman1872

    New Beginnings

    That sounds like the same mix as used by the author of bees at the bottom of the garden.
  16. bushman1872

    bee suits!in the shed or in the house?

    :iagree::iagree: We are far too clean these days. I know its not bees but look at the work they are doing with peanut allergy sufferers, trying to de sensitise them by giving small amounts of the allergen i.e peanuts. I wonder why with bee venom that even those who get stung regularly with...
  17. bushman1872

    Moving to 14 x 12

    Did you pop a feeder on top to help with the drawing out of new foundation? If so maybe you left it on there a little too long or did you do it later on in the year, at which point they may have been preparing for winter?
  18. bushman1872

    Moving to 14 x 12

    No sure about the overworking bit. Now you mention about it having been a swarm just bear in mind that they tend to go into overdrive for a bit as in the wild they would have to build an entire hive from scratch and fill it before winter comes. They might settle down after a few months.
  19. bushman1872

    bee suits!in the shed or in the house?

    tkwinston4 do your research lest you become a victim yourself!!!
  20. bushman1872

    Moving to 14 x 12

    Hi Aly Yep I moved both my colonies onto 14x12s a month ago. You could do a bailey change see Dave Cushmans site regarding the finer points. This basically this involves put 14x12 on top of old brood box and letting the girls draw it out. To help them along I fed them syrup with an ashforth...