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  1. D

    How do winter bees live longer?

    no expensive child rearing. think of the life expectancy of your average mum of many.
  2. D

    Any car experts out there??

    "If they are being a trifle sticky over sorting things out for you, it might be worth telling them that their incorrect camber setting and the resultant damage to your tyres would have invalidated your motor insurance policy as the unexpected tyre wear resulted in them being unsafe (worm down to...
  3. D

    Antibiotics vs Steroids

    most doctors are unaware of the natural evolution of a good going sting. hence why dealing with it as cellulitis. GP will of course be proved right because after taking the course of Antibiotics the symptoms will have resolved to your satisfaction.
  4. D

    Will they clear out dead sealed brood?

    doesn't sound like this is a colony of hygienic bees.
  5. D

    canadian clearing board

    as above - the shake works for me. just take suitable frames and no wait or return to the hive.
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    Honey contaminated?

    as above.
  7. D

    Converting garage into extraction room.

    Ever watch Dexter?
  8. D

    bee keepers obsessed with feeding syrup

    the issue is ensuring the bees have adequate stores in the brood box (nat, 14x12 or B+1/2) max stores; min space. sure you can feed back some honey from supers but at the end of the day you need to fill the overwintering brood box. and as stated sugar is cheaper than honey.
  9. D

    Abandoned Hive Help

    "The first hive seems to have swarmed, the second has so many bees in it that they are pouring out." if there are sealed queen cells in both then both will have swarmed. does hive two have eggs?
  10. D

    Foundation suppliers - Whats the difference?

    KBS give decent volume discounts. plus it is just nice stuff - both for the bees and candles.
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    Honey derived products labelling

    better selling commercial mustard, a jar of honey and a spoon.
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    Moving a swarm 20 metres

    you're fine for a few days after swarming.
  13. D

    Where do drones go?

    "what do they get up to?" drones have only one purpose. those that return have, so far, failed. of course they are not to know what successfully achieving that purpose means for them! DOI: an evolutionary failure myself. Happily accept that my existence has no purpose.
  14. D

    Recommendations re best provision for water source ?

    "onto the floor where else would it go ?" what rab was getting at is what is the point of dedicated overflow holes if the overflow ends up going the same way as any water that spills over the brim when the bucket fills? net result in the two situations is X1 inside/ Y1 outside vs X2 inside/Y2...
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    One of my colonies is dying :(

    "I noted eggs two weeks ago, last week not, but I put that down to my inexperience." eggs tells you queen is present and laying (give or take a day or two). brood ratio - eggs : open : capped - also gives you an idea of how things are going. if you can't see eggs and the open:capped ratio is...
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    "It's against ebay rules to sell livestock." a swarm isn't legally livestock. the seller is perfectly at liberty to sell the rights to collection, only after which do they become livestock.
  17. D

    moving bees close to other apiaries

    don't tell him where your bees are kept.
  18. D

    Swarming; how is the hive split?

    "The nation has now branded you a 'sexist moron' a la John Inverdale." why? - he made no reference to gender, just physical appearance
  19. D

    Do workers know if an egg is fertile?

    "Then I thought what if the eggs in those cells are infertile" not really such a thing in bees is there? normally infertile = unfertilised, non-viable or barren. in bees unfertilised = viable drone to be. presumably it must be possible to get eggs that are proper duff for some reason but...
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    will I or won't I open on great weather

    as per others - all inspections should serve a purpose. BUT when bees are out foraging strongly is good time to inspect - less bees in hive.