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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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    Bee sting desensitisation course

    Just thought you might like to hear my experience on the desensitisation course. I had done the weekly build up and was about 6 months into the monthly injections. Throughout the injections I had had no local reaction or any hint of the anaphalaxis. I went and had my injection as normal, went...
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    Hivemaker and Tom Bick beware!

    MA and the rest of you have all missed the real business opportunity here. As usual we cottage industries naturally think small. What you really need to do is develop your clearer board on a much larger scale so it can be placed in a city centre with prison vans at the exits. The additional use...
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    Sting De-Sensitisation

    Half way through my second year of beekeeping and I am completely absorbed by it all. However, I was tidying up in the garden on Monday at about 5.30pm when I had a lone bee start to buzz around my head which was very persistent as I tried to move away and ignore it. Eventually it seized the...
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    National Brood to Commercial Brood

    Last year I was fortunate to be given a strong colony in a national brood. All the kit I had built was commercial so we put a commercial brood on top with foundation. By the end of last season we had got 8 frames of capped honey/syrup and a couple of drawn frames, all ready for this season. Now...
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    Commercial Nucs

    Try K.Basterfield & Son. All their beekeeping is done using commercial hives. I believe they can supply nucs on commercial frames if required. I know they are slightly in the opposite direction but this may be an option for you.
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    Barnsley Beeks

    When my sister came to visit last summer she was captivated by the bees and would love to get involved herself. She lives in Barnsley and we would like to know if there is a local group/association she could get involved with prior to taking the plunge. Being 300 miles away its a bit...
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    50m square of hessian for under £30

    I bought 2 huge rolls of the stuff when I was restoring my cottage. Had to render the outside with lime and used the hessian to hang over the render so I could keep it damp while the lime set. You could try specialist suppliers of traditional building materials as I bought mine with all the...
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    Pete's Next Video ?????

    With all Finman's stories about OA sending us mad I think a video showing the symptoms of OA induced insanity would be welcome. This would allow our other halfs to be able to recognise the condition. From his post I would suggest that Hombre is suffering from quite an advanced case already. All...
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    Oxalic Acid & Double Brood

    Did my OA treatment today on my double brood commercial setup. When I took off the crown board there were a few bees wandering around on top of the frames but I could not see any cluster. I ran the OA down between the frames of the top box anyway. Afterwards I had some doubts about what I had...
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    Drones indicating a problem?

    Stiffy, I am in the Tamar valley. I have had a walk around my local area and couldn't find where they are getting the HB from. I have found it locally along some streams but outside foraging range of my bees. Andy
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    Drones indicating a problem?

    I was talking to another beek and mentioned how active my bees still were. I then mentioned that there was still a bit of drone activity although somewhat reduced. They replied that they had heard that drone activity at this time of year could be an indicator of all not being well in the hive...
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    Straw bale bee house good plan?

    Sorry Clare, got carried away with the n's. The web address is
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    Straw bale bee house good plan?

    Don't know how much info you have on straw bale construction but I was considering it a few years ago and found was a good source of info. Problem with small straw bale buildings is you have a large footprint in relation to the space inside owing to the thickness of the...
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    Low Cost Microscope

    Thanks RAB. I was wondering how long it would take to get a " not as good as my Swiss Schneurlberger Super Optic 72 " post. Just teasing.:smilielol5:
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    Low Cost Microscope

    For those of you who might be interested Lidl will be doing a microscope for £39.99 from 6th Sept. We got one of these for our son a couple of Christmas's ago and thought it was really good value and solidly made. It came with a USB camera which allows you to hook it up to a PC. He has had...
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    Bees under OMF

    My first hive is currently doing well with plenty of brood and stores. I was watching it the other day and noticed several bees mooching around under the stand as well as those in and out of the main entrance. I got down and had a look and found the underside of the OMF covered in bees. Most...
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    Contamination problem

    As far as I am aware the Cuprinol clear that is "recommended" for the treatment of hives is purely a timber preservative designed to prevent fungal decay. It will not kill active woodworm. Any products stating that they will kill woodworm will harm the bees and this type of product will linger...
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    help I,ve got a colony under ground!!!

    Don't know if it is of any help but below is a link to a series of photos of someone removing a swarm from a manhole and fitting the comb into frames. Sounds similar to your situation. Best of luck getting them. Andy
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    Paint for feeders

    I am also interested in something suitable to seal feeders. I have watched hedgerow pete's videos on building feeders, frame and milner. In his milner feeder vid he uses polyester/glassfibre resin but in his frame feeder vid he says that the bees didn't like it. I have plenty of this resin but...
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    Hive Design

    Hi everyone. First post so here goes. I have just finished the building of some hives in anticipation of my nuc arriving in June and have a couple of questions. I have not yet fixed the galvanized sheet to the roofs and some people seem to recommend a thin layer of insulation between the sheet...