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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Norfolk

    Automatic Gearbox.

    That is often the case in Germany when you are passing a small side road the person using it (the side road) has the right of way !!
  2. Norfolk

    My birds have come back

    You wait till Heather sees that comment !!:smash::sport-smiley-002:
  3. Norfolk

    Omlet Hive

    Hi guys & gals I'm selling an Omlet Hive. Please check out the ebay listing and get in touch if you are interested. Number 331061445024
  4. Norfolk

    Dartington LD Hive

    Hi guys n gals I have one of these DLDH still unbuilt and in the wrappers as delivered some time ago direct from Stamfordham who built them. Anyway the Ebay listing number is 331062085966 Please get in touch if you are interested
  5. Norfolk

    My birds have come back

    A simple bird table offers hours of fun. A very underrated piece of kit imho
  6. Norfolk

    Well done Admin folks

    Maybe admin, (who we all know do nothing during the day) can put a list up of interesting articles / threads. (sorry Mark) :-)
  7. Norfolk

    Bee Houses/Sheds

    Thanks Paul Any chance of a photo maybe ?
  8. Norfolk

    Well done Admin folks

    I just thought I'd say what a great idea this is. Are people watching to jump in and help of is it open to all to post their helpful advice. ?
  9. Norfolk

    Natural hive comb

    Agreed I'd also say that much would depend on the prevailing conditions (wind direction) and the shape of the hole in the tree trunk. I bet there isn't a standard that could be relied upon. I am left wondering why you ask ?
  10. Norfolk

    Idea for New Section.

    PM sent, no point in naming and flaming.
  11. Norfolk

    Bee Houses/Sheds

    Thanks guys Any thoughts on how to set up a pipe/tube type entrance. Slighty sloped down I guess would be one thing. Bolt down the hive base to the floor so it is rock steady. Bee escape in the shed as mentioned. I like the solar fans, Pete are they working well ? What does the panel think ?
  12. Norfolk

    Idea for New Section.

    I think there should be a section reserved for commercial beeks, that way I won't have to read a post starting off with a slightly insulting. This is a question for people with more than two hives in a forum that is almost exclusively habited by such lowly people.
  13. Norfolk

    plastic foundation

    I think you are correct. I'm not totally in the natural beek club but do think that bees do build things in ways we don't understand so I'd feel more comfortable about allowing them the opportunity.
  14. Norfolk


    Can't a gentleman check out the available options for his new pair of lounge slippers without folks taking the mickey :-)
  15. Norfolk

    Bee Houses/Sheds

    Thanks for your replies so far. I did consider a while ago, redwoods idea of using a horsebox or similar that I could tow somewhere nice, perhaps on the local heather. The trouble with that would be security. I'd be limited to where I would feel comfortable leaving it. I'm liking this shed...
  16. Norfolk

    Bee Houses/Sheds

    I will be doing that very shortly, thanks.
  17. Norfolk

    Bee Houses/Sheds

    Sorry, I meant for putting a couple of hives in
  18. Norfolk

    Bee Houses/Sheds

    Not sure where to put this question but i guess a mod will move it as necessary. I like the idea of a Bee Shed but see very little mention of them on here. Does anyone use one ? Any pictures maybe ? Thoughts...
  19. Norfolk


    Perhaps a good use for otherwise useless Estate Agents boards.