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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. B

    Number of hives in any one apiary

    I have a ten acre grass field with a large pond, about 1.5 mile away from the Heather and maybe 2 miles away from any osr when grown, next year I would love to expand to 3 or 4 hives but we will see, I was thinking that if you had say 10 hives in the field and 1 went down with disease would the...
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    Number of hives in any one apiary

    Just wondering really, how many hives should or could be kept together or does it not matter?
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    Heather blooming on high moors

    I'm so glad my bees are only a mile or so away fromt Heather!! I did see the other day 14 new hives have appeared in a field not too far away, guess someone else has moved them in for the Heather!
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    Guard bees kicking out drones?

    Must be the Yorkshire coming out in the bees!!! Saving stores!!!
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    Guard bees kicking out drones?

    Many thanks RAB
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    Guard bees kicking out drones?

    Spent around 10 mins this afternoon watching I presume guard bees kicking out drones? Why is this? Thanks
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    Bee Tree (EVODIA HUPEHENSIS) Growing

    Thank you all very much for clearing that up for me, hopefully I too will have lots of bee trees around here in the future :-)
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    Bee Tree (EVODIA HUPEHENSIS) Growing

    how many should i put in the bag or could i pop all of them in 1 bag then just divide whats in the bag into pots when the time comes?
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    Bee Tree (EVODIA HUPEHENSIS) Growing

    hi all, i bought some of these seeds from fleabay after seeing a post on here ive googled how to grow these and i mentions putting them in a bag of peat in the fridge for 4 months!!! ive read somewhere else in the freezer over night!! can any of you green fingered beeks help me out here...
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    Free (ish) bees

    i would love them but your a little far from me :(
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    In the News
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    Morrisons have it the same price
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    Possible swarm on thier way?

    Well just took a look at nuc on the shed it looks like they have all buggered off! Just my luck really!! Thanks for your replies :)
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    Possible swarm on thier way?

    thanks simpless!
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    Possible swarm on thier way? hope the pic works
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    Possible swarm on thier way?

    Ive had a nuc on my shed roof now for a couple of weeks hoping to catch a passing swarm :) anyway came home from work this afternoon and there seems to be some activity around it....maybe 2 dozen bees in and out but always staying in the area and not flying off! i presume they are scouts,but...
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    Useful to Newbies?

    I use the voice recorder on my mobile phone....:)
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    Bees on sugar

    I bought some today from my local chemist £4 for 10ml well worth it if it works!!
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    Muck Boots! Very comfy and light!
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    Sale of bee equipment at auction

    Shame it's so far away! 