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  1. B

    What weather forecasting website do you use?

    i have 2 apps on my iphone one of which is the met office and i get totally different results from both! :hairpull:
  2. B

    What weather forecasting website do you use?

    As the title asks :thanks:
  3. B

    Double brood

    i put a second BB on a hive last weekend on the top, could i still put this BB under the main or just leave it now? I looked through the glass quilt today and it appears some bees have moved up but maybe only covering 2 frames
  4. B

    Location, location, location

    Interesting sites! Wish I could find a company to pay me to site my hives! Did you approach them or them you?
  5. B

    Comb built between foundation!

    I found some last week like this, it was drone comb
  6. B

    First super full

  7. B

    1st inspection...bit surprised

    im feeding 1.1 and its going down a treat!
  8. B

    Thinking about moving hives down the hill That's their new home for the time been, hope the link works, my idea is to take them back to the heather when it's time luckily it's not too far away!
  9. B

    Thinking about moving hives down the hill

    Ok, the trailers on!! Shelter is no problem as I can put them inside an old stone shed no roof, I will try and get a pic posted and as for loosing the heather honey I won't this is just going to be a move move till late July then I will take them back to the heather, I love heather honey!
  10. B

    Thinking about moving hives down the hill

    Hi folks I'm thinking about moving my hives about 7 miles, currently there are on top of a moor with all the moor type forage, heather gorse etc, my thinking is to bring them down the hill to a spot about half a mile from our town to enjoy folks gardens plus the surrounding rape if we ever get...
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    Landshare for bees - from the co-op

    I've had about 10 kg of free sugar from one of our local coops :)
  12. B

    National hive tin for roofs

    Luckily for me I work at Kingspan and we scrap around 10 ton plus a week! Usually 0.5 mm.... Hmm now I may see a little money spinner to help the funding of next years hives :)
  13. B

    How much honey in a 11 frame super?

    As the title says really... Thanks
  14. B

    I Have a queen im about to squish on wednesday

    Both queens now gone subject to collection :)
  15. B

    I Have a queen im about to squish on wednesday

    Not bad or old queens at all, one is from a AS I made up earlier in the year from this years queen cell, and the other is from a swarm i got from a wild colony I happen to know local, these two are the smallest nucs I have at present, I am want to join up 3 nucs to make a nice sized colony, as...
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    I Have a queen im about to squish on wednesday

    As im combining 3 nucs into a brood box i have 1 possibly 2 spare mated queens if anyone is interested? Local dark bees, very placid I know ive posted this in the general section but im not sure what the forums rules are, as i wouldnt know what to charge and ive never posted a queen! So...
  17. B

    Swarm in a chimney

    Well not had the call yet, let's see what tomorrow brings!
  18. B

    Swarm in a chimney

    Anyone any experience with catching one of these I've just heard I may be called to one!!! Please P.M me your phone number if you can help, many thanks