Is that the faint smell of Scottish heather I detect ?
hello to all members north of the border.
As always I am more than happy to help get the Scottish forum back online if my help is needed.
Please note that all seller's in the "2016 Nuc's for sale" section must first pay a "Sellers fee"before the ad is sent live.
The minimum payment to send your ad live is £15.00
This is due to the number of sellers over the last few years who have posted for sale ads and only return to...
Sorry about that.
I need to check the logs to see what happened.
I had an email from the data centre saying it was a DDOS attack on all servers.
I have a few colonies for sale with brand new National Cedar hives.
Bees will be transfered to new hives just before collection.
I am just south of Winchester and bees can be collected anytime.
Price is £225 per hive.
Please send me a pm if interested.