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  1. F

    Bee stings

    I react very badly to being stung, doesn't happen to often as I wear a lot of protective clothing. Excessive swelling and the dreaded itching is normal for me. My Wife is the exact opposite, small red mark and minimal itching. I have been tested and was told that I'am over sensitive and thus the...
  2. F

    Hiving a nuc

    Would it be a good idea to spray them with a sugar syrup mix before transferring?
  3. F

    Hiving a nuc

  4. F

    Hiving a nuc

    I'am picking up a nuc on Friday, all in place to move them into my full hive,but a while since I've hived a nuc, should I leave them shut in for 24 hrs or just leave a reduced entrance. Thanks.
  5. F

    Dadant to Langstroth

    So I would like to try a colony of black bees, but the only nucs I can find come on dadant frames and all my equipment is langstroth. Dadant frames are about the same size re the top bar, but 2" deeper. So how to make the transfer. I've read one suggestion which is to put the queen somewhere...
  6. F

    Queen in super

    Colony had been queenless, I think,for at least 4 weeks . No sign of a queen or eggs,brood ,etc. No sign of a dead queen in brood boxshe was very clearly marked.
  7. F

    Queen in super

    Yes she was marked,but still couldn't find her. Weather was looking bad so didn't spend to long. Next sunny day will shake all the bees into the brood box and replace queen excluder. Thanks.
  8. F

    Queen in super

    Had a queenless colony so introduced a new, mated queen in a cage into the brood box. Gave her 48 hrs ,then broke the tab so candy could be eaten and she could exit. Left alone for 12 days and checked today. Cage empty ,but no brood in brood box. Bees very calm so checked the only super and wall...
  9. F

    OMF enough ventilation for my move?

    Fom closing them up to release in France, about 8hrs. As I said travelled overnight and sprayed every 2hrs. Keen to keep these colonies as very gentle,good workers and never followed after an inspection.
  10. F

    OMF enough ventilation for my move?

    I transported 2 colonies of bees when we moved to France,all with the correct paperwork. OMF and mesh top,caught the overnight ferry, sprayed with water when loaded onto ferry and was allowed down to the car deck to give them another spray mid channel. Bees survived fine.
  11. F

    Too many bees

    Many thanks for all the advice. I think I will go with the Demaree solution as it meets my aims.
  12. F

    Too many bees

    Apologies for stupid questions. So if I go with the Demaree method. Can I leave a few extra frames of brood in the original brood box,to keep product going, and then when the top brood box produces QCs thin them out and move the brood box 3ft away to start a new colony. I realise this decreases...
  13. F

    How many times a year do you get stung?

    3 stings so far this year. I react quite badly, saw a specialist and he prescribed extra strong medication, but said I didn't need an pen. Said the problem was that I was too sensitive and my body over reacted. My Wife didn't believe the too sensitive bit. I have a heavy duty suit and wear...
  14. F

    Too many bees

    Inspected one of my hives today and never seen so many bees. Carried out a full inspection of the brood box checking for queen cell,none found,but nearly every frame is full of brood. Have 3 supers on, 2 nearly full. My question is should I carry out an artificial swarm to release the pressure...
  15. F

    Bumble bee nest in roof.

    As I understand it he has builders coming Monday to work on the roof so have to be gone by then.
  16. F

    Bumble bee nest in roof.

    A friend of mine has a friend who is renovating his house and in a bedroom he has removed the plasterboard and in the soft insulation is an active bumble bee nest. He has asked me if I could remove it, otherwise I suspect he will treat them with chemicals. I've never had experience of a bumble...
  17. F

    Aggressive bees

    So visited the bees yesterday,initially on my own. Taped up all joints/flaps on the suit to be sure. Carried out a full inspection of all the hives and although lots of bee around and a few pings,nothing like the aggression of the previous time. So will put the aggression down to the nearby...
  18. F

    Aggressive bees

    Thanks for all the advice. So my plan is to inspect on my own on Monday. I will put tape over any "joining" parts of my suit. Open one hive at a time and, as advised, close immediately if any sign of aggression and move on to the next one. The mill owner is looking to buy a new bee suit. So...
  19. F

    Aggressive bees

    The hives are separated by approx 10 metres, two groups of 2. So I went to one group and my Wife and mill owner the other. As soon as hives were opened the attacks started,from the 3 hives. Previously all the hives had been quite placid. I had the odd stroppy colony before,but for all 3 hives to...
  20. F

    Aggressive bees

    I currently have 3 hives,2 at home,an isolated farmhouse in Normandie and 2 on the flat roof of a old flour mill in the centre of town. The owner of the Mill also has 2 hives,I have recently introduced her to beekeeping. So today,warm and sunny,I checked my bees at home,all was fine and bees...