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  1. H

    Requeening my bees from hell

    Thank you for all those answers / guidance. When I was doing Oxalic treatment in Dec. I thought then I will unite this colony. But a couple of months have passed and that thought had gone out of my mind !!! Started reading this thread and thought I would replace the Q. Totally forgot about...
  2. H

    Requeening my bees from hell

    Thank you for your very prompt reply. I will take your advice. Will do the manipulation end of March time, depending on weather. 1. Do you think there will be any drones around at that time? 2. Up here in East Yorks. quite mild micro type climate and in rain shadow. 3. If I put a shallow...
  3. H

    Requeening my bees from hell

    1. Do not have a Queen (Q) to replace the "aggression producing Q" 2. Will remove aggression producing Queen, then will destroy any emergency Q cells they produce. 2. Relying on putting a frame with eggs (may possibly, likely to, have other older brood on frame as well ) from another more...
  4. H

    Poll: Should it be legal to use the word "Raw" on labels to describe unheated, non-pressure filtered honey

    At least they are "up front" about this 'un-raw honey'!! (Flavour added!!!!!) Sunny Spread Regular readers will know that the theme for one of our 2015 displays is ‘Lost and Found’. It features many items that have been dug up in Market Lavington. Some have been found by people with metal...
  5. H

    Poll: Should it be legal to use the word "Raw" on labels to describe unheated, non-pressure filtered honey

    How come butchers don't specify "raw meat" but often say "cooked meat". Maybe the answer is that supermarkets etc. should have to specify "cooked honey" to distinguish it from our so called "raw honey"!!!
  6. H

    Poll: Should it be legal to use the word "Raw" on labels to describe unheated, non-pressure filtered honey

    I didn't know bees had eyelashes ! But I will be on the lookout for them now, when jarring my honey. Thank you for the tip.;)
  7. H

    MeliBio "honey"

    Quoted from TIME Melibio "which has identical sweetness and viscosity to the real thing." No mention of enzymes, pollen, honeydew, wax, -- and all the other stuff (that I do not know the name of ) that does not get filtered out when I do my stuff to complete production of HONEY...
  8. H

    Super under or over brood box for winter?

    Pleser o dderbyn eich cyngor. That's all folks.
  9. H

    Super under or over brood box for winter?

    Thank you for your knowledgeable input. QX's are removed and I can weigh the hives using luggage scales (the ones with a hook, like a spring balance). One of hives has a Perspex crown board (unfortunately only one hive) so can have swift look at number of bees. And ask my brother that has...
  10. H

    Super under or over brood box for winter?

    Thank you very much for your helpful and informative and reply. diolch yn fawr am yr ateb hwnnw (hope this is ok I cheated and used a translator. I know from sad experiences that they can be rubbish and misleading. ):rolleyes:
  11. H

    Super under or over brood box for winter?

    Thank you for your analysis, useful to be reminded of the reasons they are not taking feed. The reason I am not aware of the feed state of the colony feed is because I have been in hospital and then recuperating and unable to lift. My inexperienced brother was doing caretaker duties for me...
  12. H

    Super under or over brood box for winter?

    Thank you very much for your prompt and helpful reply. I have 4 hives each with a super on but some of the supers are not full and only have 3 or 4 frames of honey (or nectar) on - This before I began feeding at beginning of October) I have been feeding with ambrosia syrup through a rapid...
  13. H

    Super under or over brood box for winter?

    If I have a national brood box with super on top (I know "super" = on top;)) no Queen Excluder, Kingspan on top of crown board in roof. What I do not know is, where do I put the fondant ? Sensible answers only please (this is not Morecambe and Wise show:)) will be appreciated. Thank you in...
  14. H

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Ivy in bud just about to “pop” up here. East Yorkshire. Lots of ragwort in flower.
  15. H

    Formic Pro - targets varroa mites under the brood cap?

    Same procedure here with single Nationals. Applied towards evening (lower temp. possibly giving a slower release, plus bees mostly "at home" ) seems to be effective. I have used since became available on multiple hives/colonies (5 plus a season) with no discernible adverse effects. I...
  16. H

    Newbie with a swarm of someone wants it......

    [/QUOTE Hi, is that where those plastic boxes with lids (as in the picture) come from? Do you have the order ref. Number? Cheers Harry
  17. H

    Plan of action if/when catch a swarm

    I collected two swarms 4 days apart. 1. They have now been hived for 10 days (separate hives / colonies). 2. Gave each feed after first 3 days. 3. Not inspected either yet. 4. Following some splits and Artificial. Swarm manipulations and a Demarree (which is now two hives) I also have a...
  18. H

    Strange sound

    I have a hive that this "Brrrrrrr" sound emanates from, some days the sound comes others it doesn't. I hear it when doing weekly inspections, but only from this colony/hive. Heard it the last two weeks in a row. I cannot think that with so many people having heard this from their colonies...
  19. H

    Does queen size matter?

    Tell me about it. I have got one of those. Insists on going up into the supers. (I do not want brood and half, double brood etc.) Just want National Brood box (for brood!) and Supers (for honey) I have persevered with her again this year. She does eventually go down into Brood box, and lays...