End of the World Preparations

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I did wonder if I should have told the woman in Sainsbury's that the £400 + she spent on food was a bit too much.:paparazzi:
Ok Lets settle this please.

Do I need to fill the car up tonight or not?
end? who says end?


The meaning is meant to be a transition. Hopefully a transition from crappy wet horrible summers, to nice warm and prolific summers!

with my luck it ,the transition will be global warming to global cooling and we will all freeze and start burning coal to increase the Co2
OK, so, tomorrow is the end of the 13th b'ak'tun in the Mayan Calendar.

Its not doomsday its simply as far as they got in the future counting; besides they did not predict their own demise 1100 years ago (ish), so why try to predict the end of the world.

Its western bollocks putting a spin on it for entertainment.

So I don't want to hear any more about it and i have made plans for after tomorrow......so there!!

Actually... I think they did predict their own demise.

Not into all this prediction stuff myself, but they predicted a whole load of stuff that has been 'interpreted' as being true. Probably a case of looking at the evidence and see what can be made of it.
I am not religeous either, but can see how people can interpret it into beliving it was real.. I'll get off of that subject before I have a fatwah placed upon me!!
No end of the world tomorrow, we have not had the stars fallen from the sky and the son of man has not come out from the clouds
Maybe these Mayans were referring to sir Patrick Moores sad passing but got their dates slightly wrong. I'm pretty sure these people running about in loin clothes didn't even have a bloody telescope though
The Mayens believed that life was a cycle much like your milometer on your car once it reaches 999999 it starts again
Does the world end just for humans? Other species, say bees, may have their own belief systems with some additional clauses of end of world exclusion...perhaps one of the survivor species may even have an exclusion clause to keep humans safe at the end of their world.

So what does it all mean?
Does the world end just for humans? Other species, say bees, may have their own belief systems with some additional clauses of end of world exclusion...perhaps one of the survivor species may even have an exclusion clause to keep humans safe at the end of their world.

So what does it all mean?

Sorry but I'm not going down that road again :hairpull::hairpull::hairpull:
Maybe they were nearly right but about a week out and that 3 mile wide asteroid that passed between the Moon and Earth was just a bit off course? Had it struck in the right place, we could have been in deep mire.
Does this mean I shouldn't bother to do my ironing ? good excuse
Does the world end just for humans? Other species, say bees, may have their own belief systems with some additional clauses of end of world exclusion...perhaps one of the survivor species may even have an exclusion clause to keep humans safe at the end of their world.

So what does it all mean?

If the bees are Buddhists, they might come back as humans to repopulate the world. Maybe the mad American survivalists can convert to Buddha and save on the cost of buying survival silo's.
The meaning is meant to be a transition. Hopefully a transition from crappy wet horrible summers, to nice warm and prolific summers!

Suit yourself. In Scotland we are just getting used to the idea of taking it easy. No nasty inconvenient honey to make everything sticky. No difficulty in swarm control. Far fewer queens to mark in spring as many are duds right now. No, lets keep the horror weather, makes life a breeze! lol
Well I must say it's been a blast. I was hoping to get more than 8 months of beekeeping in though before I die. Oh well I'll catch you all in the after life.
About 5 feet 4 inches made of carbon,, breaths eats drinks but mine has not worked for years
About 5 feet 4 inches made of carbon,, breaths eats drinks but mine has not worked for years

You made a bad choice. Trade it in and try again...

Mine is wonderful (guess who reads my posts:)