why have i got supercedure cells?

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New Bee
Aug 31, 2010
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I did an AS earlier in the spring when the weather was good, I didn't see her for a while and no activity which i assumed was due to delay in mating flights after the weather changed. However I recently saw a very dark new queen, laying. eggs lava and capped brood, no drone brood. On the next inspection the hive had produced supercedure cells. Why? What would you do? They have 4 frames of honey in a super, and plenty of room. lots of bees still.
Remove this frame and one more of brood, some with stores, the bees on them plus shake another two frames of bees into a nuc. At worst they can always be reunited later
The reason is simple. The bees have lost patience with the new queen as her pheromones have not reached their full potential yet, so they want to replace her, as they think she is faulty.

It happened to me on 2 out of 8 nucs this season. The answer is remove the supersedure cells and they will not make another one as the new queen will have increased her pheromones and inhibit the bees from making new supersedure cells.

The only proviso to this is if the new queen has any damaged legs.
Well, I have already done what Max suggested a week before (i was wondering how others would have dealt with it), and inspected this week- to find a whole load of queen cells, 2 capped already and no eggs, no queen. A few frames of capped brood and lava. So I assume they weren't dissuaded that their new queen was good enough and have got rid of her with a clear intention of getting a new one. I have removed most of the queen cells except 2 open ones in stable and good position and will wait and see what happens.
1. Any other thoughts of why this would happen?- she was clearly laying ok.
2. Have I done the right thing now?
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yes I think, in retrospect, that would have been a good idea...However, they don't look like they have swarmed and the queen is definitely gone- do you think they have killed her off?:confused:

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