Where to put the new super?

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New Bee
May 2, 2011
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Welsh Marches
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Should I put a new super of undrawn foundation on top of an almost full super (no OSR in this area so don't think I need to extract it) or below it? Would the bees be encouraged to draw it out more quickly if it is immediately above the brood box? Or is there a good reason to put new supers on the top?
At this time of year put it on top - the bees have plenty of time and it's easier for you to monitor.
i always put mine on top of the brood box so i can easily take off the full supers when ready
when you say on top do you mean on top of the supers all ready on there or on top of the brood then the other supers on top
Should I put a new super of undrawn foundation on top of an almost full super (no OSR in this area so don't think I need to extract it) or below it? Would the bees be encouraged to draw it out more quickly if it is immediately above the brood box? Or is there a good reason to put new supers on the top?
If you want to exhibit 'frame for extraction' first super is left on top of brood box. When second super is 75% full place another super underneath it. This will/should ensure that cappings on second super remain as white as possible, bees do not wipe their feet on entering the hive and constant traffic across comb discolours the wax. Look at brood frames which have not been changed for a few years to see what I mean. New wax is white. If you do not want to exhibit it really makes no difference whether under or over, but I like to get a cleaner wax when rendering cappings. It is down to your choice.
I put the new super on the BB to encourage the bees to use it and draw out the foundation or reconstruct the cells from last year, it is also easier to clear, a good trick is to put a frame of stored honey in the new super
Should I put a new super of undrawn foundation on top of an almost full super (no OSR in this area so don't think I need to extract it) or below it? Would the bees be encouraged to draw it out more quickly if it is immediately above the brood box? Or is there a good reason to put new supers on the top?

A super with foundation in I would put above the brood box, to make wax to draw the comb the bees need heat & that is the warmest place. On the outside edges of the box I would put a couple of frames of comb. The bees will use this straight away probably as a dumping ground for nectar coming, reducing any congestion in the brood nest if there is a flow on, but it gets them using the box! Increasing your chance of a full box of honey within a given time.
If you have satisfied the bees space/ wax producing needs near the brood nest by putting the box on with foundation but have a super on that needs those final filling/capping work doing & still need extra hanging space for bees or an imminent brood batch emerging then put an 3rd super of comb on top of the super with honey.
I always put my new super on top of the already filled supers. It means the bees have to go further to find it but then that mimics their natural behaviour had they not been in a hive, say, a tree trunk where there is no-one there to remove the bottom layers of comb to change them around. Also, it encourages them as they walk up through the supers to see all their hard work wasn't wasted! Also, easier for me so a win win situation.
Brood break Varroa control

Does anybody follow the brood break method of varroa control?

As in remove Q and frame of brood and stores make up with foundation and leave the to rebuild.

Stack boxes of brood and leave - keep removing Q cells to prevent increase from these Queenless ones then re-unite later OR make up Nucs and increase allowing them to build Queen cells etc.

We did this last year and still found varroa fell like rain at Thymol time two months later.

Any thoughts comments or stories ref this method.
Sorry about the above meant for new thread
Thanks all, the majority go for "on the top", but I like the reasoning of iand and the point about needing heat to draw out the wax, so I've put it above the brood box. But when I am in the fortunate situation of having drawn comb I'll probably put new supers on the top.
Stick to putting it on top of the BB.

There is research that says that space above the BB begs to be filled and stimulates the bees to do so.

= I can see the logic behind that but my imperative is to get sealed frames of honey asap. The empty drawn out 'dome' in the centre of the lowest super is something I'll live with.

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