WBC and snelgrove Board

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New Bee
Feb 18, 2011
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Medway, Kent UK
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I've been reading the posts on this website for a long time, and I have learnt a lot.
But now I have a question for you all,,

A certain supplier of Bee equipment is selling a Snelgrove board for a WBC hive.. How does this work with the associated lifts?

Thanks in advance,
I'd like to know that.

Are the lifts modified? I guess they, at least one is.
Just realised that the lift gets in the way and i will not be making a hole in an upper lift, so will have to stick with ordinary swarm control.Suppose someone will come up with a solution/answer :)


Any more thoughts on this?
How to do swarm control with a double wall hive?

Just the same as any other hive.

Find the queen and....

Because they get bought...lol and then the buyer scratches their heads and...

All I'm actually going asking is what is the design of them.. A picture would be great or an explanation of how the lifts are utilised.
all forms of swarm control/queen rearing board are possible with WBCs - you just bee to have a suitable eke to raise the lifts and provide external entrances.
presumably thats what a WBC snelgrove includes (given that it costs £18 more than the standard national item).
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"The lifts are nothing to do with it. The board simply fits between two of the inner boxes"

yes but if the lift continue to sit as normal there is nowhere for the new upper lateral or rear entrances to emerge. hence the need for an eke. AFAIK WBC snelgroves fit across both box and lift.

If making your own snelgrove, morris, cloake etc board for WBC hives you just need a bigger square of ply to start off with.
A Snelgrove board is a special divider board that can be used on any sort of framed hive ( different sizes for different hives) and has many different uses. Try googling "Snelgrove board".

The lifts are nothing to do with it. The board simply fits between two of the inner boxes. The link from Scottish beekeepers is a good one:

http://scottishbeekeepers.org.uk/Portals/0/Documents/TDS number 13 snelgrove board.pdf

so if this snelgrove board fits on the wbc brood box it will discharge it bees not into the open aair but into the void between supers and lift..the bees then exiting via what???

if they worked their way down to the old entrance than that would defeat the purpose of the snelgrove board

not being a WBC user i still how no idea how a snelgrove board would work on a WBC, unless you remove the lifts....then the roof would not fit the inner box

"so if this snelgrove board fits on the wbc brood box it will discharge it bees not into the open aair but into the void between supers and lift..the bees then exiting via what???

if they worked their way down to the old entrance than that would defeat the purpose of the snelgrove board

not being a WBC user i still how no idea how a snelgrove board would work on a WBC, unless you remove the lifts....then the roof would not fit the inner box"

MM - presume the board is appropriately larger in both horizontal dimensions to both provide the inner brood box "eke" aspect and external "eke" for the lifts. Also assume each of the 6/8 entrances have ply "roofs" forming tunnels between inner and outer eke components.

hence the £20 premium from the big T. actually when you think about it £20 extra sounds good value!
Whoops! Sorry. Thanks for putting me straight. A long day

The GOOD DOCTOR is probabley correct, but never seen an upper entrance in a lift or an outer eke lift ....does it slope? or is it just a square

in a normal WBC the entracne is under the first lift ....think i stick with national 14x12s
Not seen one but heard it described for a home made morris board at a queen rearing talk. The speaker had use MBs on both nat and WBC hives, the latter needing an outer eke fashinoned to accept the extended entrances.
Not seen one but heard it described for a home made morris board at a queen rearing talk. The speaker had use MBs on both nat and WBC hives, the latter needing an outer eke fashinoned to accept the extended entrances.

still can see how it works as the top of the internal brood box is not always leval with the top of the wbc lift especial if running brood and a half in a wbc

Maybe if the top of the inner brood box is higher the outer eke would rest on gthe inner but that would expose the void area

if lower, the bees would gian have access to the void as the board would be above the inner box and give the lower box access to the void with all the wild comb implication that could give and alternative exits via the base ( though i assume this lower exit should seal, many style of WBC i have seen do no)

just makes me happy i dont run WBC as it is another hassle manipuating

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