Wax recovery

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House Bee
Mar 19, 2009
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herts/bucks/midx border
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20+National,commercial langstroth
Does anyone have an efficient method of wax recovery from brood comb I use a solar extractor, a steam wax extractor and occasionally when the wife isnt looking the oven. At the most I get back 60% of whats there and am left with a what looks like a christmas pudding mix.
When its still hot I put this on a large fine mesh bag which I will again hang in the solar extarctor and get a little more released. I would ideally like something equivelent to heather honey press to squeeze the wax and other liquids out when hot.
Anybody any ideas for a peice of equipment I could bastardise to do the job
I use a solar extractor.
The Christmas pudding mix (great name for it) left behind; I don't think it's worth trying to get any more wax from it.
You only are going to get a small amount of dirty wax.
I use a solar extractor.
The Christmas pudding mix (great name for it) left behind; I don't think it's worth trying to get any more wax from it.
You only are going to get a small amount of dirty wax.

waste nothing, the xmas pudf that is left is great for smoker fuel once set, add to cardboard for great smoke
Interesting, as I have a sizeable mass of grotty wax (ex brood comb) that would not render down in solar melter mark I.

If I get my timing right, the oven could be put to good use in the near future.

Better check the smoke alarms first.
Does anyone have an efficient method of wax recovery from brood comb I use a solar extractor, a steam wax extractor and occasionally when the wife isnt looking the oven. At the most I get back 60% of whats there and am left with a what looks like a christmas pudding mix.
When its still hot I put this on a large fine mesh bag which I will again hang in the solar extarctor and get a little more released. I would ideally like something equivelent to heather honey press to squeeze the wax and other liquids out when hot.
Anybody any ideas for a peice of equipment I could bastardise to do the job

An experienced beek advised us to soak old combs in rain water so that the old cocoons inside the cells dont absorb too much wax when melted, I am not sure how much extra wax will be gained from this method if any
soaking in water seems a good idea for the steamer I not sur how effective it iwould be in the solar extractor. My ideal would be a contraption that they used to have on cleaners buckets you pulled a lever and it compressed the old syle mops riding them of water(wax) and honey residue
Stuff all your surplus wax in the leg of a pair of '99p Shop' ladies tights and simmer in water. The tights strain out all the cocoon/dust/detritus and you're left with clear wax.

I'm surprised nobody has already posted this...!!!
I have never had that much to worry about the small losses. It soon becomes uneconomical energy-wise if paying for the energy.

I would think the best way is to get the whole lot well heated with water in a receptacle of some sort and then 'submerge' the coccoons etc, probably boiling the water underneath the screen/ mesh/whatever to free the wax and allow it to float above the screen. Allow to cool and recover the wax from the surface. Not the best wax (well heated at 100 degrees), but wax, none the less and the most effective recovery.

Otherwise rely on squeezing the last remnants possible from a solar extractor using free energy.

Just not too cost effective in my view.

Regards, RAB
wax recovery

I made a steamer out of an old ripening tank some mesh and a wall paper stripper. it seems to cope with the mankiest of comb.