The British Beekeeper's Guide Book.
And to all those who wish to keep some bees as a hobby, I commend this little work. Therein will be found all the fads and unnecessary trimmings that so delight the hearts of enthusiasts who want to 'keep bees'. The idea of such people is, so far as possible, to find some excuse for doing something to the bees. It is called 'manipulating' them. The poor little creatures are to be commenced upon in March and ceaselessly tormented until winter brings them respite. Even then they are not to be left altogether in peace, for 'candy' is to be administered from time to time. The whole thing is capitally done, and if you want to keep some bees as a pleasant pastime which may probably supply your table with honey and at the same time afford you much pleasure and interest, without being obliged to worry much about costs and profits, I can think of no better work to follow. If you have time and cash to spare for your hobby, I know of no more pleasant outlet for your enthusiasm than beekeeping on strictly orthodox British principles. How well I remember the enthusiasm I felt about it all in the days of my youth! My admiration of those pictures of smiling old gentlemen fiddling about with beautiful and complicated hives, piled high with supers which it never occurred to me might be empty, like dummy whisky bottles in a grocer's window! But there is a lot of difference between keeping bees and being kept by bees,