Using drawn comb

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Queen Brenda

New Bee
Jun 1, 2014
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I have some frames of last year's supers with drawn comb. I want to use this but it is pretty scruffy - from where it was decapped for harvesting and less than perfect storage over winter. Some other frames have holes in from previous wax moth damage. Are these ok to use, presumably drawn comb is never in perfect condition if the honey from it has previously been extracted but will the bees mind and mend it?
They'll repair any damage caused by uncapping the super comb. If the waxmoth damaged comb is brood comb (as it usually is), they may fill it with drone comb.
Just put it back. I keep super frames till they fall apart in the extractor. If you suspect wax moth damage pop the frames in the freezer for 24 hour first, then defrost before putting on the hive.
The best time for putting them in the freezer would be BEFORE storage, so as to kill moths, eggs and larvae and thus prevent damage!
I would replace really bad frames but use anything that is reasonable. They use lots of honey building wax so the more you can use it the better!

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