Tidying up, feeding again - eggs definitely seen in colony 2

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Colony 1 is still going strongly. I took out the Apiguard tray, despite crystals still left in it: they were dry and powdery and no longer had a smell. I removed the super/eke and closed everything up to let them get on with it.

Colony 2 is now growing again. I saw eggs and very young larvae (I guess the queen started laying again last Monday or so). There had been a play cup on one of the frames last week, but it has been taken down this week - I'm fairly sure.

The feeder frame was empty and dry, so I removed it. The first 2 frames (furthest away from the brood nest against the other side), which hadn't really been touched much 2 weeks ago, were now nearly drawn and drawn and filled respectively. If they need more room, they can start using the bottom box. I put the super onto this hive, with a wooden crown board under it so I could return later with a top feeder.

The main inspection and moving about was at about 14.00. I turned up again this evening to put the crushed up wax (with some honey still in it) from the frame I extracted (see the video section) into a contact feeder for them to nosh on.


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