hi , everyone. Just a short word of warning before i get going with this blog. I have started it so I have a forum platform to write down my scribles and thoughts some are my own views and others are continuations of the main forum web site so sorry if i drag on a little to much
so anyway back to the bees.
This winter has realy slaughtered my bees with me losing the three small nucs i was trying to over winter and the largest bee hive going down with nosemea this week so i have managed to collect from my hidy hole the last of the two bee hives i have. One of which i have used to make the varroa free video, I exspect to get absolutly slaughtered for my ideas and meathods but saying that i still have the ablity to say that i am varroa free which will save me money and effort in the long run. as for the time it took it was about 4 hours work and after the bees had been through the tubes i also then went through the frames again to re make sure that it had gone ok, with me being unable to find any mites at all on any bees. the next big worry and with me its always another one, it is the fact that they are not flying as well as everyone else proclaims so , i have got all the books out and started to read up on whether i have missed something out, as the bees are a small bunch instead of a frame feeder i have siteted a small up turned jam jar directly above the nest group so the have a small amount of sugar syrup at one to one and a small orange sized ball of pollen subsitute aswell just incase, as for the bees well since i am working away for the rest of this week they will have to get by on there own without me. the one thing about having no work is the fact that the allotment has never looked so good, shame it wont last as the weeds are kicking off already. I will take a small bait hive down to potters bar with me and i shall hide it just off the camp site area and we shall see if i can get lucky i have splashed a few drops of lemon oil inside it aswell
so anyway back to the bees.
This winter has realy slaughtered my bees with me losing the three small nucs i was trying to over winter and the largest bee hive going down with nosemea this week so i have managed to collect from my hidy hole the last of the two bee hives i have. One of which i have used to make the varroa free video, I exspect to get absolutly slaughtered for my ideas and meathods but saying that i still have the ablity to say that i am varroa free which will save me money and effort in the long run. as for the time it took it was about 4 hours work and after the bees had been through the tubes i also then went through the frames again to re make sure that it had gone ok, with me being unable to find any mites at all on any bees. the next big worry and with me its always another one, it is the fact that they are not flying as well as everyone else proclaims so , i have got all the books out and started to read up on whether i have missed something out, as the bees are a small bunch instead of a frame feeder i have siteted a small up turned jam jar directly above the nest group so the have a small amount of sugar syrup at one to one and a small orange sized ball of pollen subsitute aswell just incase, as for the bees well since i am working away for the rest of this week they will have to get by on there own without me. the one thing about having no work is the fact that the allotment has never looked so good, shame it wont last as the weeds are kicking off already. I will take a small bait hive down to potters bar with me and i shall hide it just off the camp site area and we shall see if i can get lucky i have splashed a few drops of lemon oil inside it aswell