I have a home made one made to recognised plans (bio bees- barefoot beekeeper) with a viewing window. Also have a Thornes one, which I am in the process of putting on a new top. The wood is cedar but the top is only ply ( which was a poor original design fault) and has rotted. Will be better than new when repaired, as I will modify it to stop any damp ingress, and making the roof deeper. Both have had bees in, but are currently empty. Fumigated with acetic. Follower boards, feeder for home made, and room in roof for insulation in either. The Thornes colony died recently - went queen less over winter and the other colony died out last winter from isolation starvation and I never got round to restocking.
I want rid of one. Send me a PM If interested. I am not too far from you for collection. Both are heavy with legs but they can easily be unbolted