Taking sugar

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New Bee
Jun 4, 2015
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Good morning a bit of help pls. i have three hives with healthy broods two of them still have honey in supers. i have set up a crown board on them and trickled sugar solution down them but all of them seem not be taking the solution. any ideas?? Sean
It's too cold for them to take sugar syrup.
Way too late to be giving them syrup - where have you been up to now, and do you have an accurate idea of the stores situation in each?
If you're concerned about the stores levels then buy a slab of baker's fondant and give them that.
Good morning a bit of help pls. i have three hives with healthy broods two of them still have honey in supers. i have set up a crown board on them and trickled sugar solution down them but all of them seem not be taking the solution. any ideas?? Sean

Remove queen excluders if you have them on the hives.
As JBM .... put a slab of fondant over the feed hole in the crownboard.
Make sure the lid is insulated.... possibly fit another super and fill with shavings around the fondant... then insulated lid.
Leave alone.

Yeghes da
Please Seaninis... join your local Assoc.Get help/mentoring What you are doing is not good.
Syrup feed finishes in early Sept if the weather is wonderful. The syrup will ferment if not properly rendered down in time in the cells. You are just pouring wet onto your bees and they hate wet! Can be a killer.
Now bees should just have the slab of fondant on, NO QUEEN EXCLUDERS IN or queen will DIE!!! and I personally prefer to have the super under the brood by now as in the Spring the bees will be up in the brood box with the queen, but too late for you this year.
What Heather said though I would say late October is the cut off depending on location and OP? Do some reading please and join your local Assoc. Please.

Back in September you asked about feeding. All your posts show a lack of basic knowledge. Answer me one question, do you have a mentor at all or are you learning through experience? If so then you need to get some good books for Christmas. Start with something easy like ' bees at the bottom of the garden.'
This is one of the better books - https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/19...ted+hooper&dpPl=1&dpID=51QfjoMXQtL&ref=plSrch

This is also really good if you are interested in history. It is more comprehensive though and not really meant as a beginner's instruction guide. Still a good read - https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/00...pers+bible&dpPl=1&dpID=61LLCkobrlL&ref=plSrch

The Haynes manual is also worth a look - https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/08...beekeeping&dpPl=1&dpID=513LMSH+0hL&ref=plSrch

The best value for money would be the Ted Hooper imo.
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I would recommend the Haynes bee manual.
It's easy to read, has lots of clear pictures and diagrams.

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