Swarming question

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Field Bee
Dec 10, 2020
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A question to which I think I may already know the answer.If a colony you own swarms and you manage to catch it in a swarm trap. Providing you don't want any more colonies , is it possible to squish the swarm queen and re-unite the swarm with the parent colony with newspaper method, obviously trying to change conditions, i.e giving more space , checker boarding etc to prevent a re-occurrence?
Yes it’s possible but some will still try and swarm again unless as you say you can shake them up. Some will even swarm without capped cells. You may be better to make a nuc or 2 up with cells and combine once new queens are mated.
Another case of not thinking here? Immediate action without considering the implications?

The sensible thing is to retain both parts until the new queen is proven to be a good one, before making any decision.

Removing the known entity, now, could result in a hive from hell, poor laying pattern, bees running around on the frames, following bees, plain nasty bees, etc etc.

Think first, act later on sensible considerations of the alternatives. EVERY TIME!!
If you dump the swarm back, they surely swarm again. Swarm control would be easy if your trick would be true.

Put the swarm into the hive which have mere foundations. It kills the swarming fever and you get new combs.

The parent hive is still in swarming mode because it has swarming cells. Its aim is produce a cast swarm with virgin queen. Then its swarming fever is over.

When all swarming procedures are over about one week later, join all those hives.
If you dump the swarm back, they surely swarm again. Swarm control would be easy if your trick would be true.

Put the swarm into the hive which have mere foundations. It kills the swarming fever and you get new combs.

The parent hive is still in swarming mode because it has swarming cells. Its aim is produce a cast swarm with virgin queen. Then its swarming fever is over.

When all swarming procedures are over about one week later, join all those hives.

Tip top answer ,many thanks

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