Split question

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New Bee
May 14, 2019
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Hi All

Just about to do an AS but was wondering do you let your split raise a new queen or introduce a fertile queen? I have access to a free fertile queen that’s why I ask but the hive I’m about to split has 2 very new queen cells.

Cheers Moor Park Bees
Up to you. Depends what your aims are and your time line. It takes about a month from egg to queen coming into lay, but a laying queen gets going as soon as.
What are the bees like? Do they have qualities you wish to propagate from?
You had better do it soon if there’s 2 well formed q-cells they could be out the door any time, and no they won’t always wait till they are capped. Personally I would go with the laying queen if she’s from a decent source.
If she is a good queen, raise from her. If you choose a laying queen, introduce her carefully, the colony will be expecting to see a virgin running and can object to a laying queen. A spare virgin from known source would be better.

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