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New Bee
Jun 30, 2014
Reaction score
Tunbridge Wells
Hive Type
Number of Hives
I have a 3 part question regarding my two new hives, one of which started as a large nuc and the smaller one is 2 combined cast swarms.

The first have filled out the brood box and are making a start on the super, the smaller lot have 2 1/2 frames still to fill in the brood box but are catching up fast.

Q1 Should I add a super to the smaller hive so they can start filling the super rather than the brood box with stores for the winter?

Q2 Does anyone add any supplements to their homemade sugar syrup. Having seen the price of the commercial offering I will be buying up the 5kg bags on offer in tesco ready to mix my own, but just wondered if there are any beneficial potions I should be adding to the mix, I know the yanks love adding all sorts, but I'd rather know a proper answer.

Q3 Pollen Patty. Is it worth getting some, even though both hives are bringing plenty in still, will they have enough for the winter ?

I know feeding and sugar causes heated debate but It's a week until the next apiary visit and I'm keen to get on with things and keep the girls happy.

Thanks, Nick.
If they are filling up the brood box (whether with stores or brood ) they need supering. It's only July still - time for them to build up for winter.
I'm assuming you aren't going to take any honey off these two hives, but if you are going to feed them in the autumn (they don't need anything for quite a while yet) add HM's thymol emulsion to the syrup - it will help combat nosema
They don't need pollen patties now - plenty of pollen out there - some of my hives have frames full of the stuff.
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It' too early to be thinking about winter feed, but if you can get sugar at a good price buy now. I would add a super and don't bother with the pollen patty. You can add thymol to your syrup for the winter feed.
Thank you both for your replies, I will add thymol crystals and isopropyl alcohol to the shopping list.

Got to check the hives later, so will add a super and might even have to get another one depending on how they are filling the one they've got. Might even try 9 Manley frames this time, as several of the local old boys swear by them.
Might even try 9 Manley frames this time,

Nine Manleys with undrawn foundation - recipe for disaster, you'll have brace comb up to your ears - Manleys are to all intents and purposes 'self spacing' so are designed to go ten to a box. No different to any other frame really - you need runners not castellations. as they are flush all the way down the bees propolise the lot together so you have a bit of a struggle getting the first one out then just prize them apart and pull towards you as you would with Hoffmans in the BB
Thank you both for your replies, I will add thymol crystals and isopropyl alcohol to the shopping list.

Got to check the hives later, so will add a super and might even have to get another one depending on how they are filling the one they've got. Might even try 9 Manley frames this time, as several of the local old boys swear by them.

always keep to the same amount of frames in supers per hive
I made the mistake of putting a 9 frame above a 10 frame, resulting in lots of brace comb in between the frames the didn't line up with each other above and below if you get the drift
They've got plenty of time to build up enough stores for winter without the need to feed. What you can try is putting 4 or 6 frames in middle of the super and then dummy down the empty space with Kingspan, or something similar. Then when/if they fill these frames you can move the Kingspan and add another frame each end.. You might even be able to steal the odd filled frame for yourself..
Get a cert from your BKA and enrol at Bookers trade warehouse and get sugar (and a whole host of other stuff including my favourite single malt, Baileys in boxes of 6, cheap washing soda for boiling gear in, etc.). I buy 25kg sacks of sugar two at a time and keep the whole family supplied.
Thank you both for your replies, I will add thymol crystals and isopropyl alcohol to the shopping list.

Got to check the hives later, so will add a super and might even have to get another one depending on how they are filling the one they've got. Might even try 9 Manley frames this time, as several of the local old boys swear by them.

And emulsifier (lecithin) or your thymol solution will simply separate :(