Snelgrove Board

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House Bee
Dec 10, 2010
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2 + 1
Anyone guide me to a plan of a snelgrove board
i dont use snelgtove boards but my Split Boards are simlar, this one is for a split board for a brood box or two Nucs
Snelgrove a very complicated piece of kit - to make awful enough, to use equally horrible. If its wanted to clear bees from supers prior to extraction, all I did was to buy 10 of the plastic cones that show in their catalogue (got them from Wynne Jones) and made a frame of 2" x 1" with a thin sheet of ply on top in which I drilled out 5 18mm dia holes. Used drawing pins to hold the cones over holes (could have glued and may yet do so) and bobs your flippin. Worked a treat and I have enough for another or to give to a pal. That method is for when I want to get on with other jobs as I can leave the bees to fly out in their own time but most often I merely use a 9" wallpaper hanging brush and sweep the bees off the comb before popping them in an empty super with a lid on top. Hope I have understood what you are trying to do. Have spoken to several longtime (elderly like me) experienced beeks around here and although some have Snelgroves, none, not one, use them.
I just modify existing crown boards by cutting out the wedges and covering feedhole with mesh, works a treat.

A read of the snelgrove book is very worthwhile.
A snip to make? Screw on batten and make diagonal hacksaw cuts, either side of a 'pivot' screw. Add a small screw as a handle and move on to the next side. Operation seems much more complicated.

snelgrove is used to split hives not clear supers.

mine worked a treat last year.

Sorry. Still a bit of a pain to use and make and a bomb to buy. Plenty of other methods to split anyway.
I have some trial kit to make before spring. I'll call it a Snelgrove but it isn't really.

I am making a board that allows opening entrances (like a snelgrove) but which also has a large (as I can make it) central opening that can be shut down with a drop in OMF section. For use above a QE most of the time. So entrances above th board only for my application.

I use demaree for swarm control, I need a way that I can allow entrance to this top BB after a week so that drones can get out and (if I am rearing a queen in this section) the hatched queen can go on mating flights. I may or may not use the same as a second entrance option for direct forager access to supers during **** flow time.

Not sure how efficient it will be but I'll post some pics when complete.

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