Roof off :(

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New Bee
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
Leics, UK
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I have been down to my hives and one of the roofs is partly off as well as the crownboard :(

it must have happened over night, and now I think I have probably lost a colony- no signs of life even though it is just under 10 Celsius.

I am going to suit up in a bit and go sort it out...
I have been down to my hives and one of the roofs is partly off as well as the crownboard :(

it must have happened over night, and now I think I have probably lost a colony- no signs of life even though it is just under 10 Celsius.

I am going to suit up in a bit and go sort it out...

Stolen ???
Good luck - let us know how you get on. Who / what could have shifted the roof?
Good luck - let us know how you get on. Who / what could have shifted the roof?

That's my worry. There was a huge lump of rock on the top.


Will update after I have been back down. I have covered the gap with a heavyweight blanket for now.
If it is vandals.... Take care... They may come back, you may have to look for a new place to keep them? Fingers crossed for you
I have had a couple of problems with vandals in the past and sadly a result of urban beekeeping. What I have found out is they may return once or twice getting more adventurous each time but never more than three as by that time I assume the bees have sorted them out. The important bit for me is making sure the hives are well strapped down. Hope its just an isolated incident.
They are at the end of my very long garden with no rear access so not too many worries about vandals...

Right, I have been down, a corner of the roof has failed due to the large rock I placed on the top. The metal reinforcer has bent, and the screw has come out. This then made the crownboard slip out of place- It has probably been happening slowly.

I have bent the roof back as well as I could, replaced the crownboard (peered inside as it is a glass one) and generally made my bees angry. Will have to fix the roof properly soon.

I used smoke- makes me feel better as I am actually quite scared of them up close. I appreciate that this might have been what angered them ;)
They are probably peeved because of the open roof!

Lots of things can be pressed into service as a temporary roof.
A roughly cut piece of Kingspan for instance. (With a small rock on top!)
Or an upside down gravel tray (giant kitty litter tray).
Even a binbag taped in place will provide waterproofing.

And you probably need a spare roof as part of your artificial swarm kit...

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