Down here we had big problems, destroying 40 hives belonging to one beekeeper who brought disease into the area,buying lots of infected hives and eqipment, and selling lots of this off cheap to other beekeepers,including nuc's of bee's,some outside the area,full stocks of bee's,then the disease popping up here there and eveywhere, in individual hives of different beekeepers, went round with the bee inspector even killing and blocking the entrances of all known feral colonys. This took years to bring under some kind of control,and still appears to this day. Before it was not known of around here in living memory of any local beekeepers. The local association had cases each year for 3 years in the association apairy, bee inspector nearly had to take up residence. This was all caused by one person,he got the nickname dr death among local beekeepers.Some of the older beekeepers had a real bad habit of even putting extracted combs out for the bee's to clean,which made me cringe before we had any disease,then the one's that chuck the old brood combs on the bonfire(not lit) saying they will burn a few days later. so these are the reasons i'm perhaps over paranoid,in an area with no disease,no problem,but can you be 100% sure theres not one idiot around the corner. It was back at this time i became very interested in microscopy,for disease recognition,spent £600 for a microscope,and did a short course at the plymouth university site,and was shown the correct methods by Mike Brown of the NBU,and others.