Replacement veil/material?

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May 9, 2012
Reaction score
Mid Wales
Number of Hives
3 TBH + 3 Nat (+ Nucs)
I'm wondering if anyone's found what they think is good quality mesh for replacing a veil? Or whether any of the suit manufacturers sell replacement fabric for just the veil?

The veil on my old suit, with black plastic covered thread mesh, now reflects light as the plastic is wearing off BUT at least it's still in once piece - hasn't torn across in several places, like a newer but obviously too fragile all-plastic mesh one, which I'm thinking I'd be better off replacing than mending.

There's fly screen fabric etc out there, but perhaps someone has tested theirs in the field- ?
I had some from Simon the Beekeeper it seems ok. I stitched it in myself over a few nights,I always knew the sewing lessons I had in the Royal Navy would come into some use one day!!!
I'm sure if you phoned BBWear in Truro, they'd sell you some. They gave me a piece when I bought a suit from them last year so that I could repair my old one and keep it as a spare. Brilliant material but it took ages to carry out the repair - half an age learning how to use a sewing machine!

Many thanks for the tips!

- Yes it makes sense to prioritise strength of mesh over colour., doesn't it, if I find my own.

- Will ask Simon the Beekeeper too.

- I was v happy when BB Wear were able to sell me a replacement suit zip at the Spring Convention last year, so they sound a good bet too.
Try fly screen mesh from e- b~y. We bought some a few years ago and replaced the mesh on 2 suits. 1.2 meter x 1meter was around £5. Sorry can't remember the suppliers name but a search should find some.
This looks just like the sort of mesh used by Sherriff. I don't know if it's exactly the same stuff but the mesh on Sherriffs' veils is much softer, more pliable and less reflective than the BBWear veil. Despite being apparently more fragile, I haven't had any prob. I'm often near brambles and barbed wire and, stupidly, tend to be a bit reckless with my suit...
This looks just like the sort of mesh used by Sherriff. I don't know if it's exactly the same stuff but the mesh on Sherriffs' veils is much softer, more pliable and less reflective than the BBWear veil. Despite being apparently more fragile, I haven't had any prob. I'm often near brambles and barbed wire and, stupidly, tend to be a bit reckless with my suit...

Tutu veil? I like the sound of that - Haven't had a tutu since I was eight!