Recycling 12.5kg invert syrup cans

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Councils do my head in when it comes to recycling it would be better if everything went in a black bag and let them recycle it

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Forty odd years ago Doncaster had a plant where all rubbish went through a process that removed ferrous metal with an electromagnet, aluminium was separated with an ac magnetic field, glass was picked off and everything else was crushed before being passed through a die and made into fuel pellets that were sold cheaply to local industry. The Darleys brewery in Thorne had boilers that were fired by them.
If you worked in a recycling plant, you'd know why they ask for everything to be washed....just saying!

It's a bit like the people who think it's ok to let their dogs crap on the side of a footpath, cos it's "the countryside" - without consideration for the poor sod who comes along to mow - or worse, strim - the path.....

or the possibility of passing on disease to livestock!
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I do wash them out. I use masses of kitchen roll first :)
I would never have made the connection between poopscooping and recycling though ;)
I've had the pleasure of both! It's just as well most people don't take their cats for a walk - cat ***** is even worse :puke::puke:
I get loads of 45Gallon plastic drums given for free from two friendly farmers as they have to pay to get rid of them, a lot go for horse people for jumps and water troughs, they can also be cut in half from top to bottom to make raised beds with the appropriate wood work, a WORD of warning though never sniff/smell one that has no label that you have just taken the cap of as Formaldehyde sure makes your eyes water and your lungs burn, rinse them out first with the hose pipe.
I must be a weird one - I love the smell of fox and badger!
I do when they have Expired.. :rolleyes: , however rub some excrement from either in your hair before you go shopping and see what reaction you get. :D

Yeah, I should have added that, although I love the smell, I wouldn't want their leavings splattered all over me! :( Badgers are pretty considerate, generally digging a neat pit so not so much of a hazard to a passing strimmer.
I have accumulated about 20/25 of the large plastic jerry cans that the invert syrup/ambrosia comes in.
I have tried in 2 local household waste sites in Berkshire to recycle them but have been told to throw them in with the general household waste. They have the recycling symbol on the back that is the triangle with a 2 in it and the letters PE HD underneath.
My (limited) understanding is that these are high density polyethylene and are usually recyclable . Has anyone else had problems recycling them? Or any bright ideas as to what I can do with them.

Putting them in for landfill does not sit well with me.

In my country they are gathered to energy production. Recycling is so small scale in my country that it is only theory, and has been so 30 years.different plastics are hundreds chemically.
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most tips nowadays are run by company's who rent from councils, and they don't want anything that's going to eat into there profits, any way its soon bonfire night
most tips nowadays are run by company's who rent from councils, and they don't want anything that's going to eat into there profits, any way its soon bonfire night

Down here in Cornwall, it operates differently. The council employs a contractor to operate its civic amenity sites.

The problem is this means that the council's officers tend to abdicate all responsibility for recycling and civic sites. I spoke to somebody at Cornwall Council offices about whether it recycled plastic bottle caps. The reply - "would you please wait while I check with (the contractor)" What sort of a client does not know what it's paying its contractor for? Unfortunately, that's typical of inward-looking, local-centric and poorly run council.

I'd like to see the contractors given the opportunity to sell stuff that's brought in for disposal - re-use is the best form of recycling but would they let you take any useful material out of the timber skip? No they wouldn't!

A few sites in Wales now sell some of the stuff that comes in and why not, I was at the local tip recently and someone had bought in an antique rocking horse in which was worth a fair bit.It amazes me what people throw away, its sad when people are not willing to give things away any more but don't mind taking them to the dump. A sign of the times perhaps.
when I worked for the council, I saw bins come in that people had separated different coloured bottles in the bin, bottom opened up and a great drot with steel spiked wheels crushed all the glass up together.
from that day I fill my bins with whatever I have and let them sort it.
they have the technology to separate items off or fill the china containers with it all they take anything these days

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