Re-hiving a cast

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House Bee
BeeKeeping Supporter
Jul 19, 2015
Reaction score
Lewes, East Sussex
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I captured a medium-sized cast (definitely a cast before you ask, as I know what happened) a week ago into a nuc with a combination of drawn comb and foundation. Left it a few days then added a full rapid feeder (about a litre or so), which has almost all gone after just three days.

As it's a cast, I'm assuming the queen is a virgin so I'm reluctant to disturb them more than necessary, but they seem to be covering all five frames in the nuc: the box looks like it's full of bees. I plan to remove the feeder when empty and let them get on with it, since there's definitely a flow on.

My question relates to re-hiving into a BB. My feeling is that I should leave it three weeks before I open up and inspect, since that's the earliest when any fresh brood could emerge, and then move them into a full-sized hive as necessary.

Anything else I should do?
Why do you want to wait till brood emerges before moving. If your concerned on space just go in gently with minimal smoke and move the frames across gently. Make sure you knock any remaining bees into the hive and close up. Virgins can be flighty and often found on outer frames in my mating nucs so just go gently.
My concern was that disturbing a virgin queen, possibly before she's mated, might cause either her to be rejected or absconding. So waiting until she's mated might be best.
Waiting until she’s mated would be best but if your concerned about space just move them. There already settled I’ll eat my hat if they abscond. Just take it easy with minimal smoke. She could also get lost on a mating flight, there’s only so much you can do!