Queen found

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New Bee
Oct 15, 2011
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Has anyone ever experienced this? Yesterday I noticed bees on the grass after a closer look I could see a young queen and workers walking over her there were no more than 15-20 bees. I have 3 hives and a nuc, 2 of the hives I split and am waiting for new queens to emerge, this little clump of bees were about 3-4ft away from one of these hives. I left her for most of the day then put her up onto the nearest hive's landing board she wouldn't go in then after another couple of hours walked with her little gang onto the ground, I then gently put her on a frame and placed her in a nuc another member kindly leant me - 3 times she walked out the 4th time I just had to let her get on with it and now theres no trace of her anywhere!
can I ask why you asked if her wings were ok.. because I had just the same yesterday thanks
Just thought she might have tried to fly for one reason or another, and just nosedived instead.
If her wings were damaged she may have come out with a swarm, dropped to the ground and the bees would have returned to the hive.....that's why some beekeepers clip the Q wings (I don't have the eyesight for it, 'marking' is a challenge)
No I think her wings were damaged, she couldn't fly but could certainly move quickly.