Following recent discussions about cleaning equipment, Propolis was highlighted as a good thing & removal is best restricted to when it's stopping smooth movement of frames. As an aside, I use petroleum gel on all my brood box & nuc runners, which really helps prevent it getting gummed up. Propolis collection is governed by a dominant gene (source Brother Adam) so some colonies collect more than others; definitely observed this & also in apiaries with lots of trees around. I experimented collected propolis on a screen last year, before putting on my first super and store it in the freezer. I intend to make a tincture (mix with vodka) good for sore throats & other medicinal purposes
Also plan to add a small amount to my latest project, soap making.
Have you collected propolis & what for?
On it's use in bee hygiene, there's an interesting free webinar coming up with Somerset beekeepers, with Prof Marla Spirak (Entomology, University Minnesota) who has researched propolis and it's role in bee hygiene & behaviour, plus how to collect. Worth registering & watching if it's a topic you're interested in.
Have you collected propolis & what for?
On it's use in bee hygiene, there's an interesting free webinar coming up with Somerset beekeepers, with Prof Marla Spirak (Entomology, University Minnesota) who has researched propolis and it's role in bee hygiene & behaviour, plus how to collect. Worth registering & watching if it's a topic you're interested in.