Pork Crackling Problem.

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May 29, 2010
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3 National Hives & 1 Observation Hive.(Indoors) & lots of empty boxes..
Theres a big bit of pork crackling in my kitchen.

Every time I go in there I have to fight it off because it keeps shouting at me to eat it.

What should I do?
Eat the lot and walk it off under the stars before bed, lush !
slice it up, put it in a bag shake some salt in and then u have pork scratchings to eat with your beer or cider.
Don't know - but undoubtedly it would require wearing a silk negligee and sensuously rubbing aromatic oils onto something.
Ok. But can I use honey instead of the oils?
Sound delicious
Baked fat and pig hair covered in salt, yummy yummy
Dishmop, you've just made a happy man feel very old.

And slightly nauseous.

Who remembers Dirk Borgarde and the jam in The Night Porter?
Have you scoffed it yet?
I find a quick heat up in the microwave will restore it to perfection if it's lost it's crackle.

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