Options after Nuc swarm control

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House Bee
Mar 3, 2011
Reaction score
Leicester, UK
Hive Type
I hadn't planned to use the nuc method to deal with swarming, but when all three colonies decide to build cells at the same time I had to improvise!

So I know I need to get back in and knock down any additional cells in a few days but...what then!?

I don't really want to increase by 3, but can I realistically keep the old queen in a nuc for so long? Is there a way to keep her busy - maybe swapping frames of brood for foundation? And give the brood to the virgin hive?

Or do I grow them on and unite in a few weeks?

The added complication is that I use 14x12s, so I can extract (easily, anyway) any brood frames that happen to get filled.

What does everyone do?
Towards the end of this article Hivemaker (Peter) explains what they do at his place:

The gist of it is to keep knocking down emergency cells then re-introduce the nuc queen (or a new young mated queen) after 2-3 weeks. If you have swarmy bees maybe a new queen from a productive non-swarmy strain would be a good idea? Good luck :)=
Thanks. Interesting idea. I hadn't thought about leaving them intentionally queenless but it does make sense. Thanks for posting it.
You could always sell a nuc if you don't want increase by 3
I don't really want to increase by 3, but can I realistically keep the old queen in a nuc for so long? Is there a way to keep her busy - maybe swapping frames of brood for foundation? And give the brood to the virgin hive?

The possibilities are endless. Use the nuc as a brood factory, and give the harvested brood where needed. Or, use the nuc to requeen the parent colony. Or, use the nuc to requeen another colony. Or, sell the nuc to someone.

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