Now I am a Bee Keeper ;)

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The bees are now on the site. Paul brought them on Tuesday 20th July, and we were given the chance to handle bees for the first time. We built the temporary hive ( I think the proper one is still being modified to have an observation window for the children to look through ). Once the hive was in position, Paul opened the box of bees. I wasn't expecting the sound and amount of activity. From a quiet box with a few bees crawling on the top, to a huge buzzing cloud! I must admit, my nerve went a little.

After a minute, the bees settled down and Paul instructed us to start moving the frames over to the brood box. None of us had handled bees before, and one of the women went first. She handled them with no trouble and in they went. Then it was my turn! On the one hand, I couldn't wait, on the other, I wanted to run away. I was very conscious of the bees being near my fingers, not because I didn't want them to touch me - but because I didn't want to squash any, as there were a few squashed bees along the part where the frames rest in the nuc. Tentatively, I lifted the frame, and placed it in the hive. I couldn't believe I had done it, but after that first one - you couldn't stop me! Once the frames were all in place, I put the hive together and I remember at one point looking down and seeing 2 bees hitching a ride on my leg. With no sense of panic or fear, I gently brushed them off next to the hive. My phobia of bees completely gone.

The bees were locked up securely, and we will be going back next week to make sure things are ok. I went to have a watch of them tonight, and the signs are good. There is no noise at all. Theye are coming and going, and a small percentage are bringing in pollen. at one point I watched a worker tumble out onto the alighting board, wrestling with a drone. The drone managed to stagger back into the darkness of the hive and I couldn't see what was going on. A minute later, they tumbled out again. Again, the drone managed to stagger back in, and I didn't see them again. I spent a blissful hour, watching the hive from a safe distance. I wish I lived nearer, I would spend all day there. So, the signs are good. They seem to have found their way around, I saw a honey bee as I entered the allotments, and it is a large site. I think they are happy with their new surroundings, and can't wait to learn more about their care, and get more experience handling them. I hope the children, when they return in September, find them as fascinating as I do.

Paul took a video of us putting the bees on the site. If you would like to see me and my first experience of handling bees, you can watch it on Pauls website

Scroll down, it is the first video on the main page.
Yo will learn that a better way to do it might have been to leave the colony in it's final position, but in the original beetainer (with an entrance/exit opened) for a day or so and move them into their new domicile on a warm afternoon (when most foragers would have been busy at work). The bees would not have had the extra stress of being contained within their hive/container/whatever for some time prior to them being unceremoniously opened up and promptly all moved across into a different box.

But it sounds as though all went as well as one might expect in the circumstances.

Regards, RAB
Hi Rab. thanks for reading. I am sure there would have been a better way to go about it. Problem is I don't get to make the decisions ( yet ;) ) I felt a bit sorry for the bees as Paul said they needed to be moved the week before, but the woman who organised the project insisted on being there and blocked my arrangements as she couldn't make it until that day. I'm afraid the welfare of the bees wasn't taken it consideration. I assure you that won't be the case for long though. After all the information I have taken in from this forum, I organised a meeting between myself and the other person who will be taking care of the bees last night to discuss hygiene, with regards to the suits and tools, note taking....which notes we will be keeping, and what we want from our tutor. I am still very new to this, but I am learning every day. I intend to give these bees the best I can, and after a few more sessions will be in a better position to put forth my opinion on how they should be treated. I will be asking the people on this forum their opinions of course, but ultimately, these bees are going to be my responsibility and I take that responsibility very seriously.

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