So eltalia can I just confirm that you believe a brood break by giving all the flyers to the new queen
who is still a queen cell is the correct way to go?
I am not seeing how giving the foragers to the new colony can be construed
as a "brood break" when (effectively) a broodbreak is installed the second
you lift those frames into another box, regardless of QCs present or not.
Perhaps you are looking at something else?
In the UK maybe we have a smaller window of nectar flow than you and to force a
brood break in this way would seem to be unwise.
See my comment above.
This factor you bring up now is at the heart of any such manipulation.
Yes, it is foolhardy indeed to ask bees to expand/reproduce in poor conditions,
and every beekeeper wherever owns the responsibility to know
their local conditions and conduct the husbandry within those boundries.
This remains true anywhere on the Planet.
Please be aware that beekeeping habits in each Country will be different because of
forage and climate.
Again, the b'keeps responsibility to work within local conditions.
Now, "habits" are a learnt thing, and often installed (taken up) from factors
not b'keeping related.
It is therefore better to debate a subject rather than to state what it is right and true
in your own eyes.
The conclusion you come to does not allow for those facets of beekeeping
that are indeed binary ("black-n-white"). However specifically for the topic of
Splits being discussed here there is of course much debate, a fact I addressed in
my post.
My anchor point is on efficiency, what is best for bees, and as put in my post not
always a priority of all running beehives. For beekeepers, or more accurately -
apiarists - efficiency is indeed the prime factor, one which my post is built around.
Others do not need mine or your permission to do something else.
This is not intended to be rude or offensive, just educational!
Not at all arrogant but plain simple truth in I fail to see any educational value in
your post. If you'd care to expand on that intention in respect of my
mini-tutorial I'd happily entertain the illumination.
However caution is required lest some interpret much of your post as topic hijack?