New Bee
I am worried that my bees will be seriously short of stores for the winter. I have ten fames in a WBC brood chamber; no super. The colony has developed from a nuc I got locally in May. There was plenty of healthy brood developing in June/July. In July, even though the bees had apparently run out of enthusiasm for drawing comb and had left the outer two frames undrawn, I put on a super as I hoped there would be a sudden flow. I went off on holiday and when I got back at the end of July, the super was still empty and in fact I didn't have any frames full of honey - just arcs of honey stores on each frame in the brood chamber.
Six weeks later nothing has changed. What to do? Do I start feeding now with 1:2 - and how long can I carry on giving them this. I understand that when the temperature drops too low they cannot metabolise syrup?
Six weeks later nothing has changed. What to do? Do I start feeding now with 1:2 - and how long can I carry on giving them this. I understand that when the temperature drops too low they cannot metabolise syrup?