New Bee
I have two hives started from two nucleus in May. At yesterday's inspection I could see larvae in neither hive.
Two weeks ago I removed the feeders. Last week I did not inspect them as it was very wet.
Hive 1: There appear to be plently of bees. They have started about 5 frames in the super. Yesterday I looked through all the frames in the brood box and saw bee's hatching ( don't know the correct term ) but I saw no larvae. ( no queen or eggs either although as a newbie this may not mean that there are no eggs and no queen ).
Hive 2: There is no activity in the super and less bees than there were in the brood box. No larvae. No eggs or queen that I could see. I put a feeder in with sugar syrup. I saw what looked like one feeble bee poking its head out of a brood cell. There are some dead bees outside this hive.
There is no bee poo outside the hives.
I started with two nucleus as I though that way I would at least make it through my first year with one hive. It looks as though something is going wrong with both though.
So what can I do? It is pouring with rain today, however if it dries off this afternoon I shall go out and inspect again and take some pictures, however not sure the weather is going to allow that and won't get another chance until next Friday.
I have been in touch with a queen bee seller whose last batch will be dispatched this Thursday so I am thinking I should order one. However which hive to tackle with it? How to be sure there is no queen hiding in there? Will they last another week without a queen if she really has gone? Should I try and get some sugar syrup into hive 2 as well even though they seem to have built up stores. Perhaps they took offense when I stopped feeding them? It might be too rainy for me to open up the hive but I could maybe put a tray of it under the hive?
I have been in touch with the nearest association to see if there is anyone near me who could come and have a look, however I am quite remote so don't think that there is anyone.
One more thing. Every time I do an inspection I seem to crush the odd bee when putting things back together. Is this normal? I try to brush them all out the way. Hopefully the queen's haven't gone this way!!
Any advice will be gratefully appreciated!
Thanks, Sheena
I have two hives started from two nucleus in May. At yesterday's inspection I could see larvae in neither hive.
Two weeks ago I removed the feeders. Last week I did not inspect them as it was very wet.
Hive 1: There appear to be plently of bees. They have started about 5 frames in the super. Yesterday I looked through all the frames in the brood box and saw bee's hatching ( don't know the correct term ) but I saw no larvae. ( no queen or eggs either although as a newbie this may not mean that there are no eggs and no queen ).
Hive 2: There is no activity in the super and less bees than there were in the brood box. No larvae. No eggs or queen that I could see. I put a feeder in with sugar syrup. I saw what looked like one feeble bee poking its head out of a brood cell. There are some dead bees outside this hive.
There is no bee poo outside the hives.
I started with two nucleus as I though that way I would at least make it through my first year with one hive. It looks as though something is going wrong with both though.
So what can I do? It is pouring with rain today, however if it dries off this afternoon I shall go out and inspect again and take some pictures, however not sure the weather is going to allow that and won't get another chance until next Friday.
I have been in touch with a queen bee seller whose last batch will be dispatched this Thursday so I am thinking I should order one. However which hive to tackle with it? How to be sure there is no queen hiding in there? Will they last another week without a queen if she really has gone? Should I try and get some sugar syrup into hive 2 as well even though they seem to have built up stores. Perhaps they took offense when I stopped feeding them? It might be too rainy for me to open up the hive but I could maybe put a tray of it under the hive?
I have been in touch with the nearest association to see if there is anyone near me who could come and have a look, however I am quite remote so don't think that there is anyone.
One more thing. Every time I do an inspection I seem to crush the odd bee when putting things back together. Is this normal? I try to brush them all out the way. Hopefully the queen's haven't gone this way!!
Any advice will be gratefully appreciated!
Thanks, Sheena