Newbie form Kent

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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New Bee
Sep 16, 2021
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Number of Hives
Hi all,
Thanks for letting us join, we consider ourselves very lucky 🙂 friends of ours have several hives and at the beginning of summer asked if we wanted to come over and see what they do, well we both enjoyed it and continued to go over everytime they checked on their hives, "wife more so as i was after rabbits" they gave her a queen and made a new colony for her to look after just too see if she enjoyed it, well she did alot! "probably down to having such a calm chilled out colony lol" & they've graciously given her the hive, its very reassuring to have them close by all of the time, lots of questions from us and brilliant explanations from them 😊 She's enjoying it so much that hopefully she's considering a second hive next yr,
Cheers all Carl
:welcome: from another Kent beekeeper.
You'll have to watch your wife, this beekeeping business can get addictive very quickly! ;)
Sounds like you have a lot of support to get you started, but this forum is also a great place to hear about other beekeepers ideas or ways of doing things, or just to ask for advice.
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One thing about having your wife as the beekeeper is there is no problem around beekeeping disasters in the kitchen 😉
One thing about having your wife as the beekeeper is there is no problem around beekeeping disasters in the kitchen 😉
Works both ways 😉 i can be prepping the rabbits ive got from their land in the kitchen with the woofers looking on wanting some