New Bee
Ok, I live in northern California, US. The weather is mild, yet still bi-polar, as in 50's one day, rain, then 70's the next and windy. All that being said, I have a hive that is approaching 1 year, and a package of Saskatraz bees I picked up last weekend.
I noticed a swarm of bees outside my hives yesterday, and followed it to my neighbors house as they all landed inside a hollowed out tree. I tried my hardest to retrieve the swarm, but I was not successful because this swarm was deep in the tree. Maybe it wasn't my bees, my hives don't seem to be smaller after the fact, but I'm afraid to check in there for fear of destroying any QC's that may be in there. They're still docile (this is the older hive, new one is doing great) and I had a large amount of drone cells in this older hive and a few QC's as well that were 'practice' cells, all empty. In my last post, I stated I thought my queen had been replaced, because tmi spotted a queen that wasn't marked, and she looked larger than the one in there prior to the spotting. I was in the older hive on Saturday when i installed the new colony, and didn't see the Q because it was 50° and breezy so I didn't chance the brood getting cold or the queen getting injured.
What are your thoughts on this 'swarm'? They instantly went way down in the tree. They're still there too, so possibly it wasn't my hive? It was a rather small swarm.
I'd like to split that hive, so when I go in there for the next inspection in a week or two, what would I look for to check the viability of a split other than spotting a queen?
I'm still in my first year of beekeeping so I've a lot of new things to learn now and I apologize if these are dumb questions for you seasoned beeks!
This is the first time I've actually seen drones in the hive!
Bees are so amazing
I noticed a swarm of bees outside my hives yesterday, and followed it to my neighbors house as they all landed inside a hollowed out tree. I tried my hardest to retrieve the swarm, but I was not successful because this swarm was deep in the tree. Maybe it wasn't my bees, my hives don't seem to be smaller after the fact, but I'm afraid to check in there for fear of destroying any QC's that may be in there. They're still docile (this is the older hive, new one is doing great) and I had a large amount of drone cells in this older hive and a few QC's as well that were 'practice' cells, all empty. In my last post, I stated I thought my queen had been replaced, because tmi spotted a queen that wasn't marked, and she looked larger than the one in there prior to the spotting. I was in the older hive on Saturday when i installed the new colony, and didn't see the Q because it was 50° and breezy so I didn't chance the brood getting cold or the queen getting injured.
What are your thoughts on this 'swarm'? They instantly went way down in the tree. They're still there too, so possibly it wasn't my hive? It was a rather small swarm.
I'd like to split that hive, so when I go in there for the next inspection in a week or two, what would I look for to check the viability of a split other than spotting a queen?
I'm still in my first year of beekeeping so I've a lot of new things to learn now and I apologize if these are dumb questions for you seasoned beeks!
This is the first time I've actually seen drones in the hive!
Bees are so amazing