Mouse guard remove entrance block 1st ?

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House Bee
Dec 30, 2009
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Hive Type
Number of Hives
3 14x12
Hi All,

Quick question , when fitting mouse guards do you leave in the entrance block or take off

A common question, lots of previous threads!

If you leave the reducer on, you need to occasionally check that the few holes available haven't got blocked with dead bees. A chopstick makes a good hole-poker.
That's fine if your bees are in the garden, but a lot of work for an out apiary - for which most folk would remove the blocks.
yes being lazy , good advice

Thank you

i leave mine in and cut guards to fit but i make sure the bottom of the mouse guard holes are level with the floor so the bees can take the dead out easily.
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Mine are on 12" stands and mouse guards have proved pointless to date even though I have some just in case.
Mine are on 12" stands and mouse guards have proved pointless to date even though I have some just in case.

They always prove pointless until the little critters actually get in! Horse, door and bolted comes to mind!
I took mine off and replaced them with entrance blocks with frame bins space at bee space intervals over a 3 inch opening. I could see the odd dead bee building up so took advice from previous thread
Mine are on 12" stands and mouse guards have proved pointless to date even though I have some just in case.

A bloody mouse can jump that high and climb a damned site further.
They can run up walls , literally...... have seen them, would give a squirrel a run for its money !!

12" a foot, up there in the blink of an eye !! Unless its electrified and guarded by Siamese fighting cats ! :)

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