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One never ceases to be amazed at the price people will pay for utter tat. And also get into a bidding frenzy for items that are cheaper new. There were a few manual 10 frame extractors that fetched £300 plus, yet a smart 6 frame electric only got £100. WBCs fetched around £75 and wax, as ever, went to a certain chap based in Taunton. There were alot of shoddy brood and super boxes, and the usual cleaned out frames in various states of repair. Best lot of the day ? Well could have been a very handy, if heavy trailer. A Dartington long hive, well made, didn't reach it's reserve of £100.
I made ofd with 4 supers and frames, honey buckets and 5 bee books that cost be a pound a book, and some new odds and ends from Part Time bee supplies of Gloucester.

As for the AFB....not a good day as with over 30 lots of bees, there would've been some bargains to be had.