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Mick Plimley

New Bee
Jun 7, 2023
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Hi too all I'm hoping too find myself a mentor ..I'm in croston pr26 9hy area iv three hive don't no what's gone on two Queens stop laying new hive new queen no sign of her or any laying made big boo boo use apistan but left honey supers on I no bad boy lol no honey for me this year just like mentor too see if I'm doing things normal lol 😂 any help be great thanks
Unlikely at this time of year, Mick, unless there's nowhere to lay or there are no queens in either hive, in which case you'd have seen queen cells at some point.

Are you able to see eggs easily?
Both hives have Queens plenty space iv even took some frames out replaced and they been draw out im checking every 3 days no eggs one hive double brood one single 5 week ago was told all v.good hives told by government bee inspector down hill since
Unlikely at this time of year, Mick, unless there's nowhere to lay or there are no queens in either hive, in which case you'd have seen queen cells at some point.

Are you able to see eggs easily?
Was this third colony made using a queen cell? If so, the virgin may be in the mating phase. Virgins scuttle about and can be difficult to find
Yes but had no joy so I bought a queen she was excepted but no sign at all of her thats near two week ago now so tomorrow I shall put new brood box on shake all bees through queen excluder hope too find something or another 55 quid
How do you know she was accepted? Did you see eggs in the week after you introduced her?

What date did you make up the nuc with the QC?
No no eggs but they never stung her too deaf while in cage she was marked and mated her number may of fell off but I shall find out today sometime if iv got queen in that hive or not sure I never had all this 35 yrs ago lol 😂 we shall prevail I hope
No no eggs but they never stung her too deaf while in cage she was marked and mated her number may of fell off but I shall find out today sometime if iv got queen in that hive or not sure I never had all this 35 yrs ago lol 😂 we shall prevail I

How do you know she was accepted? Did you see eggs in the week after you introduced her?

What date did you make up the nuc with the QC?
Made nuc up 6/7 week ago two queen cell had hatched within days moved in too big hive then nothing no eggs nothing. then two week this Saturday ago introduced new queen no sign out anything I'm rushing too as iv read not too leave queen less for long iv like been checking every 3 days see I pursumed that hives was going down hill with varroa mites so put two thin strips apistan in hives read ok too leave supers on hence why honey loss should of took them off possible reading wrong blogs
checking every 3 days
My best guess is that your colonies swarmed and the new queens failed to come into lay (eaten by bird, lost etc).

If you introduced a bought queen into a colony with a virgin or turning laying worker, they will have killed her.

Best option is to get hold of some eggs & larvae and put a test frame into the middle of the brood box of each colony.

If they make emergency QCs then they're queenless and the brood will/may switch off laying workers.

If they do make QCs, let them choose and don't go into the colonies without good reason. Checks every 3 days will disturb re-queening colonies and may lead to balling of queens.
My best guess is that your colonies swarmed and the new queens failed to come into lay (eaten by bird, lost etc).

If you introduced a bought queen into a colony with a virgin or turning laying worker, they will have killed her.

Best option is to get hold of some eggs & larvae and put a test frame into the middle of the brood box of each colony.

If they make emergency QCs then they're queenless and the brood will/may switch off laying workers.

If they do make QCs, let them choose and don't go into the colonies without good reason. Checks every 3 days will disturb re-queening colonies and may lead to balling of queens.
OK iwill try find some but don't think iv any in any hive now I took full frame for newest hive all three hives have Queens now just none laying queen I bought was killed I found a queen in new set up Marked her now after 4 hrs did shake frames over queen excluder between two brood boxes I leave for tomorrow go in Saturday will keep you informed thank very much for all info much appreciated cheers
OK iwill try find some but don't think iv any in any hive now I took full frame for newest hive all three hives have Queens now just none laying queen I bought was killed I found a queen in new set up Marked her now after 4 hrs did shake frames over queen excluder between two brood boxes I leave for tomorrow go in Saturday will keep you informed thank very much for all info much appreciated cheers
The colonies was bought in march so both queens are this years ??? There was no queen cells in any hive today and all 3 hives have a queen ? Now

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