Late summer swarming?

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House Bee
May 3, 2021
Reaction score
Turin, Italy
Hive Type
Number of Hives
It's been boiling hot here in Italy for the last couple of weeks. Temperatures around 32 every day.
Please see video attached...
I inspected this hive last Sunday and the Queen still had plenty of room. Only 4 frames of the 10 had some brood and not all frames full of stores.
Are they getting ready to swarm?
Any ideas on what to do?
Too late for a split?
Bee Video 🐝
If there’s that few frames of brood and there not filling the box I’d not be inclined to split. Unless you’re desperate to increase. You probably just caught them having an orientation flight. You should have a better idea on your location re swarming but am sure your past the main period like us. Why don’t you just look if concerned. Ian
Thanks for the quick response.
I was just thinking. Would it help to move an emptier outer frame in between 2 brood frames?
The safe option is to move empty frames up against the edge of the brood area. If you consider there’s enough bees then yes you could split the brood but it’s not the advisable option. I would also ask why they are a small colony are they a recent split.
They were queenless for a few weeks. Catching up now...

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