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International Beekeeper of Mystery
BeeKeeping Supporter
Mar 30, 2011
Reaction score
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Too many - but not nearly enough
My birthday last Thursday and as a surprise SWMBO made me a skep birthday cake.
Got a bit of a look when i mentioned that the entrance wasn't the Tom Seeley recommended 1 1/2 inches.
And maybe I definitely shouldn't have mentioned the old custom of smearing skeps in cow poo - she took it the wrong way :D
I wonder what you'll get next birthday?
Don't think about it. Just enjoy. It's your birthday. You can always go back on your diet when you have finished the cake. I like the colour it reminds me of something. Can't think of what just now, but definately something we have discussed on the forum. Happy birthday belatedly.
. You can always go back on your diet when you have finished the cake.

That's the problem - big cake making family - my sister has a small sideline: a cake making business SWMBO likes cake making so i think they are trying to outdo each other. And I have to eat them!! and I don't have a particularly sweet tooth either
Penblwyyd Hapus
(Hope that's right...)
And good luck for the match.
Jenkinsbrynmair, your OH is a saint!

[Unless she laced the inside with OA or, more probably, neonicotinoids.]

How has she put up with you for so long?

I imagine it's only because you seem to spend 90% of your life at sea/in the apiary/attending council meetings/down at the chapel/ on the Forum.

Come to think of it, she could be having a whale of a time.......

Jenkinsbrynmair, your OH is a saint!

[Unless she laced the inside with OA or, more probably, neonicotinoids.]

How has she put up with you for so long?

I imagine it's only because you seem to spend 90% of your life at sea/in the apiary/attending council meetings/down at the chapel/ on the Forum.

Come to think of it, she could be having a whale of a time.......


:D I must say, on the whole she is supportive and helps me as much as she can, she even gets dinner ready for me when i get back from chapel on Sundays (even though she claims to be Godless, but is happy for me to get her - as she describes it - 'religious Nectar points' in :D)I could do a lot worse (but don;t tell her that or she'll make my life hell!) She's now trying to take over from my late grandmother and step grandmother as regards to charitable works - if she does half as much as they did she's almost at thepoint of being a saint :Angel_anim:
Is that icing sugar or fondant on the cake, it could make a difference at this time of the year....:)

Well - she did get the quantities a bit wrong - do you think it's allright to feed the bees with honey(It is Brynmair's finest) flavoured butter icing/ - we do have a few pounds spare
:D I must say, on the whole she is supportive and helps me as much as she can, she even gets dinner ready for me when i get back from chapel on Sundays (even though she claims to be Godless, but is happy for me to get her - as she describes it - 'religious Nectar points' in :D)I could do a lot worse (but don;t tell her that or she'll make my life hell!) She's now trying to take over from my late grandmother and step grandmother as regards to charitable works - if she does half as much as they did she's almost at thepoint of being a saint :Angel_anim:

Aahhh bless!

Are you getting in practice for Mother's day?

Good, though, ain't it?


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