Is this wildly optimistic? I want to gain experience by helping

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New Bee
Jan 21, 2021
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im in the absolute infancy of my interest in bee keeping. I have joined my local club, attended some virtual lectures and reading a couple of books. I can’t get on a course u til next year, COVID roll over means this year is fully booked.

I would very much like to be able to gain some experience by helping someone/somewhere....I guess selfishly I haven’t brought anything yet, although I want to I’m holding off to see if it’s for me, although obviously would buy a suit if I could find some experience or a helping opportunity (recommendations welcome).

is it wildly optimistic to hope to help someone/somewhere for nothing other than the opportunity to gain experience in the Stafford area?

I’m happy to wait for a course....but struggle reign myself in as I just want to gain some practical experienc.


Hi Martin, I asked much the same a while back I had offers but they were to far away, have you put a post out on your local BKA fb page or Web site it might be a start.
Good luck and welcome!

Thanks Mark, that’s a good shout...I’m doing my best to curb my eagerness...but I just want to see where I’m at before going all out. I’ll try figure out how to do a local post...I avoid fb as much as possible but I’m sure there’s a way round it
Thanks Mark, that’s a good shout...I’m doing my best to curb my eagerness...but I just want to see where I’m at before going all out. I’ll try figure out how to do a local post...I avoid fb as much as possible but I’m sure there’s a way round it
Try there Web page instead or contact there secutary you've started by putting yourself out there:)
My fault, sorry....didn’t k ow where best to put my post