Is this a way forward?

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Field Bee
Mar 31, 2019
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South Yorkshire
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My favourite queen (I just like her!) brood is starting to look a bit spotty - she was a mid summer supersedure after a walk away split last year. I think they may have tried to supersede her again this early spring but I tore the cell down (naively and immediately regretted it).
I want a daughter from her. Resource wise I have
  • her current host coloney (which was the very small queen right half of this year’s walkway split) it’s growing adequately but slowly and has the somewhat patchy brood I mentioned
  • The other half of the walkway - which is rapidly turning into a wonderful monster having jumped from 6 faces of brood to 20+ in a week (this even after I boosted both the swarm and their mother colony with a comb each) and I want to keep this for production. (Have already had 20 jars of spring ? OSR honey)
  • and the swarm I hived 2 weeks ago.
Box wise I have
  • the other half of the tbh the swarm is in - but they are expanding pretty quickly and are 3/4’s of the way to filling their half already
  • and an eBay apidea (with super and top feeder) I’m yet to play with.

My plan:
Put queeny into the apidea with some of her own crew. Let the left behinds raise a QC then when sealed swap it into the apidea and pop HM back into her original home - carefully under an introduction cage probably
Would this work?
My apidea is naked with no drawn comb. Could I subsidise queeny’s away crew with some bees from the swarm somehow - they are still drawing comb for England! Maybe put them in the apidea super and do a newspaper combine?
Thanks advance for any thoughts?
If you’ve got a decent queen that you wish to keep/rear from simply make up a small nuc from her existing hive, don’t bother trying to add other bees they may just as likely do away with her. Apideas are simply for mating queens put a queen in full lay in and they are likely to abscond given half a chance use a normal nuc!
My 2018 Q for second or third time is again in a nuc as the main hive produced a couple of beaut QC's, this time in the nuc the bees have produced one SS cell so finally her fertility is running low. I have 4 queens all related to her and two more that should have emerged today.