is there any commercial honey extracting service in East Anglia

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Queen Bee
BeeKeeping Supporter
Mar 27, 2012
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I've just about busted a gut extracting honey this spring! The biggest flow in my 45 years of keeping bees has yielded (in honey buckets) 520 lbs**. This is from five producing colonies (I entered spring with eight: one became queenless, one superseded early, one became drone laying).
I have a nine-frame electric extractor and a large uncapping tray but a rather small kitchen - hardly room for SHMBO to help so her duties are confined to steam-mopping the floor after the chaos. Yesterday I extracted 10 boxes, taking five hours.
Now well into my 70s :nopity::ohthedrama::angelsad2: I'm wondering there are any outfits which offer an extraction service?
** I can't help wondering whether my bees are raiding the large sugar factory in Bury St Edmunds - but that's 7 miles away
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Get yourself a supervisory level 2 food hygiene certificate and then run a training course on extraction?
Brilliant Giles. Can I have some of your bees please? I too find extracting a pain, but do not get your sort of crop.
Brilliant Giles. Can I have some of your bees please? I too find extracting a pain, but do not get your sort of crop.

Two 2016 Danish Buckfasts from Keld Brandstrup, one 2015 Buckfast from Ged Marshall (British Honey Producers Ltd), one supercedure of 2015 ditto, one mongrel. Each produced approx similar crops. For the first time I distributed my eight hives amongst three apiaries, all within the parish - instead of all hives on one site.
** I can't help wondering whether my bees are raiding the large sugar factory in Bury St Edmunds - but that's 7 miles away

maybe one of the wagons overturned in the last few miles on the way to the factory? :)

Most likely OSR
if you really want to know borrow a polarimeter, a microscope and bod who can pilot them :)
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I've just about busted a gut extracting honey this spring! The biggest flow in my 45 years of keeping bees has yielded (in honey buckets) 520 lbs**. This is from five producing colonies (I entered spring with eight: one became queenless, one superseded early, one became drone laying).
I have a nine-frame electric extractor and a large uncapping tray but a rather small kitchen - hardly room for SHMBO to help so her duties are confined to steam-mopping the floor after the chaos. Yesterday I extracted 10 boxes, taking five hours.
Now well into my 70s :nopity::ohthedrama::angelsad2: I'm wondering there are any outfits which offer an extraction service?
** I can't help wondering whether my bees are raiding the large sugar factory in Bury St Edmunds - but that's 7 miles away

You need to organise an extraction party. I invited some colleagues around, 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. They spent their time uncapping and I did the extraction. After each session I suited them up and showed them the hives in the garden- ensures they go away happy and come back next year. Also the jar of 'fresh' honey helps.
Mr Amari..
I'm a little ride from you ( Downham Market )' But I do have a fully kitted out prep room + 21 frame spinner and a very patient wife that does all our spinning...We do extract for other beeks ' but these are very local to us....

The local council came and inspected us a couple of years ago and gave us one of those sticker for the window ( grade 5 )
p.s. I'm not sure they print any other number , as I've never seen a 4 in a shop window...
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Mr Amari..
I'm a little ride from you ( Downham Market )' But we have a fully kitted out prep room + 21 frame spinner and a very patient wife that does all our spinning...We do extract for other beeks ' but these are very local to us....

The local council came and inspected us a couple of years ago and gave us one of those sticker for the window ( grade 5 )
p.s. I'm not sure they print any other number , as I've never seen a 4 in a shop window...

:sorry: But where did you find OH, there are people on here who would kill for a OH who's prepared to live with the c**p that is beekeeping.
maybe one of the wagons overturned in the last few miles on the way to the factory? :)

Most likely OSR
if you really want to know borrow a polarimeter, a microscope and bod who can pilot them :)

Unlikely. 'on the way to the factory' = huge trucks loaded with sugar beet blocking our lanes leaving mud++ on the bitumen. Only three crops grown around here: sugar beet, OSR, cereals in rotation, plus this year, field beans . However, a few 'Good Lifers' = paddocks with clover and dandelions.
Mr Amari..
I'm a little ride from you ( Downham Market )' But I do have a fully kitted out prep room + 21 frame spinner and a very patient wife that does all our spinning...We do extract for other beeks ' but these are very local to us....
The local council came and inspected us a couple of years ago and gave us one of those sticker for the window ( grade 5 )
p.s. I'm not sure they print any other number , as I've never seen a 4 in a shop window...

Many thanks Jed D. I will be most interested if there is a decent July flow - in which case I will PM you
Unlikely. 'on the way to the factory' = huge trucks loaded with sugar beet blocking our lanes leaving mud++ on the bitumen. Only three crops grown around here: sugar beet, OSR, cereals in rotation, plus this year, field beans . However, a few 'Good Lifers' = paddocks with clover and dandelions.

it will be toe OSR and Field beans as they produce well to.
:sorry: But where did you find OH, there are people on here who would kill for a OH who's prepared to live with the c**p that is beekeeping.

My OH suggested beekeeping when we moved house to a more rural location. I supported her but with 2 kids under 3 the bees now seem to be my hobby although the OH helps. Oh is the one who likes honey too......

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Might be worth putting up an advert locally in a shop window and offer payment in honey. I am sure there are plenty of people who would be interested. Or perhaps there are new beekeepers in your local club who do not have an extractor and would want to process their honey using your extractor in exchange for some help?