I found a hole today

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Field Bee
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
Norwich Norfolk
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 14x12 hives. 2 standard nationals and 8 14x12 nucs.
I found a hole today. I was inspecting the two hives that I have at home and everything was going well. I remembered a thread that said try not to use to much smoke if looking for the queen. I decided to take this advice though smoker was lit and close by. I decided to take this advice as last week when I inspected this new colony (prime swarm) I could not find HM amongst the large population. As I said everything WAS going well until I decided not to smoke them. I receive a sting to the thumb and then promptly set upon by a load of bullying bees. At this point I decided to withdraw for a short time, so off I go leaving Village Girl amongst the onslaught of bees.:eek:

Heading up the garden path and followers dwindling with every step I take I then feel a funny tickling sensation just above my right knee cap, and slowly working its way up and round in-between my legs. Thoughts rushing through my mind at this point of what do I do now? I could trap it some how between the material, no I’ll get stung. I’ll crush it no again I’ll get stung. It was now getting critically close so in front of God and everyone including Village Girl still manipulating at the hive and my wife who was safely looking on from in the house I decided to drop them knowing I was just about to receive the worst sting ever. It was now so very close to my manhood down they come. As they fall to around my ankles I stand there waiting for the inevitable then from below came this bee the most beautiful bee that I had ever seen with its sting still attached and there it was a hole staring up at me from the crotch of my trousers that hung around my ankles.:redface:
happened to me but it decided to leave its stinger somewhere i wont mention.
I suppose Village Girl didn't get any photos... ? :(
I suppose Village Girl didn't get any photos... ? :(

Nah - she'd left her zoom lens in the car!:D

I suppose this is a cue for the stock comments of
'such a fuss and it was only a little prick':eek:
'can you take away the pain but leave the swelling'

its the classic reminder to check your kit every now and again.

Safety first people, safety first.


you did not say if you were going commando... or kilty style?

for me it is a full cammo battle beesuit with trousers over the wellies

and my gold lame jocks firmly snugly fitted!
Nah - she'd left her zoom lens in the car!:D

I suppose this is a cue for the stock comments of
'such a fuss and it was only a little prick':eek:
'can you take away the pain but leave the swelling'


You know my x wife then and what lies she tells of me?
Nah - she'd left her zoom lens in the car!:D

I suppose this is a cue for the stock comments of
'such a fuss and it was only a little prick':eek:
'can you take away the pain but leave the swelling'


:iagree: sorry was too bissy laughing and try to sort hive out. i'm still laughing about it he did look funny :smilielol5: :rolleyes:
Why do men think they look sexy with their trousers around their ankles? :)
Why do men think they look sexy with their trousers around their ankles? :)

As I'm not from Norfolk you should not compare me to the type of men there you hang with, webs and that.:rofl::smilielol5::hurray::smilielol5::hurray::smash: